
Monster Beats en already got abroa

Yao?Even you all want to eat dirt."The Luo maple is a bit curious, see the o clan of y à of ostentatious, should not.
"His Lao Tze is also Lu absolute being to expect a strong and call'Yu literary atmosphere', be regarded as fierce.On that day if isn't that his Lao Tze is present, I absolutely can't make him have good end.However even if is his Lao Tze, wait I to return to a clan in, also certainly want to make him pay for it"
Does the Luo maple no wonder that want to eat dirt suddenly realize, originally Lao Tze of that guy is Lu absolute being to expect strong.However the Lu absolute being expects, to Luo maple, no longer put in the eye.Those gold Dans expect of fix a true, even Lu absolute being the middle can compare, but still drive the Luo maple easily play n ò the ng is between the palm, the shot finally kills.
"Thus, I polish off him for you."Hope in addition to window, Luo maple light way.
Purple green jade Yuan and purple month sky the surprised way of the unanimous opinion.Be full of an idea of excitement towards seeing one eye, purple month sky in the eyes.The underneath is a words, let the Luo maple directly throw up blood.
"You maple absolute being group if can really send Lu absolute being to expect a strong, that sends several more, thou the month empire put out calculate.Those guy, I early looking at with a revolting feeling."
"That, the group can'ts send the an and the strong and has already solved him to calculate for me.As for thou month empire, first inside of the superior polish off, those common troops, also become a person who bends with the wind."The Luo maple blinked to blink eyes, a bit embarrassed.Visit a bearer house two basically don't put oneself in the mind.
"Do you go?Don't be kidding, that was the Lu absolute being to expect strong rice to be eaten with lu à n, words can not ability lu à the n say."It was purple to shake to shake head month sky, well expressed his not to believe.
"Luo maple, waits we to return to a clan in, will send the an and the strong to are even they, you sit the benefit of accepting the fisherman all right.Anyway I clan important step this area didn't also use."See the Luo maple Be different from tell a falsehood, purple green jade Yuan heart in a tight, fear him to do what excite of affair.
"Depend, haven't married to go out, arm elbow to outside turn."
Haven't waited Luo maple to talk, purple month sky this mouth is mean of open mouth first again, let purple green jade the Yuan is more bashful.Shan body forward, it is he's elder brother's matter to the slightest ignore him, come up be strike and kick, tidy up of he the yu dead yu fairy.
"If I Luo maple once said, affirmation will accomplish.I say my ability polishes off he, can definitely polish off he.The words done not believe ……"
Say here, Luo maple for a while, took a look to tightly stare at own purple month sky brother and sister 倆 , immediately after and in a soft voice way:"That even if."
2 people directly rush toward
Chapter 256 【seek Chi 】
The strong gale inherits a set of, violent make to ring.(-Novel)
The Luo maple is still had the purple green jade Yuan 2 people to stand with purple month sky unreal on, hope under that occupies just like the huge monster of huge empire, implicit and in fine threads murderous look in eye
Here, would be thou month empire
At after death, 3 people stand the innumerable wear to unify dress of strong, is all emperor night to expect above.An eye hopes to go and approaches ten thousand strong vehemences and forms numerous violent storms and gobble up the whole slice of ancient month empire district.
After hands are negative, the Luo maple's dress Cape starts to blow, strong vehemence immediately explosion, form the form of a head of Ultrasaurus, lead that numerous violent storms, the facing bombs however hurtles under.
Empire thou month in, numerous monks stand together, is integrating.
Today, would be they set out of day.Say even other empires, certain thou the Ba of the month empire uniqueness lord position.But in fact all know in the heart of these monks, they today main fight of, is still an emerging forces, maple absolute being group
Emperor ever and ever once said, the maple absolute being group developed too quickly, and eyes in unmanned.Need not much long-term, then will threaten thou the existence of the month empire.When the time comes, if reply to put out, everyone doesn't have good fruit to eat.Affirm to have empire emperor to stir up breeze to light fire thou month among them certainly, otherwise of words, the monk isn't common troops, say how how.
But in the whole each region of ancient month empire, all have numerous troops to coagulate.The Luo maple sees clearly, all of them are some common run of people troops, coagulate here now, see come is really want a war.
"I thou month empire Ba lord position, never falter.At present, but is the attack with some influences on a large scale and extend, seriously threaten thou month empire of existence."
The front in these monks,Beats by Dr Dre studio, a grey hair the old, voice biggest, the earsplitting y ù is deaf, fixs for have already come to an an emperor night highest point.His noodles permits very seriously, after, immediately after way:"We then want a war and certainly want bath of blood to put together to kill today, defend me thou month empire dignity"
"Defend dignity"
"Defend dignity"
Under the demagogy of this old, the atmosphere of the spot is also some'breeze whistling Xi easy water is cold'of felling.The position of this old , in the whole ancient month empire, should also calculate very high.Although it is said fix in order to isn't too high, but in order to grow, the age still has some awe dint sometimes.
"Believe what influence threatenned our existence, everyone also all knew.That is just emerging forces, manies didn't need to be worried.I thou month empire strong innumerable, the star expects to be strong all will war, even the Lu absolute being observes and learns to expect.Necessity of, will also make moves I hope ……"
Words didn't finish saying, once the old face s è change, abrupt however the title hope toward the sky.(Head hair)but see numerous invisible storms, appear in his absolute being to read in.These absolute being reads most front, an invisible Ultrasaurus takes the lead and bombs that space however Nian to press since then.
"That is what"
"Escape quickly"
That innumerable of ancient month empire monk, is also immediately explore appear lost in thought read.The bottom then has an innumerable for an instant of bellow to spread from their.That numerous absolute being read storm, already suddenly and violently blunt since then.Sweeping is some kind of, just bang however dissipation.
These monk numbers attain 100,000 of many.Among them state, expect emperor night to expect to all have from the Ning radicle.Although the number is many,fix for too low.And because this absolute being read storm to come too and suddenly, can not resist at all, can hide to escape everywhere.
"What person, unexpectedly dare to make a surprise attack me thou month empire monk battalion"
Luo maple's waiting a person don't conceal a body form, the old flies up the sky, an eye woulded be to see this big cluster of monk that floats to get empty but signs, and the face s è right away would was y ī n to dip down.
He has never seen the person of maple absolute being group, but from some memories crystal stone on once saw the shape of Luo maple.See Luo maple at the moment, immediately would be to associate, these people, should be a maple absolute being group.
Can unreal and sign, is the Ba what emperor expected to fix for at present these people most at least and also, absolutely have ten thousand count.Most terrible of BE, he didn't feel one to is what Ba emperor expect.Say so, then only the and more deluxe emperor night expected monk.Around ten thousand emperor nights expect and be good enough to let he frightened y ù crack
"'Maple'come a thou month empire, not and impartially appear, but is use thus inferior means sneak attack empire troops, what mean?"
The fame of the Luo maple early has been already got abroad.Although know that his true state is an emperor night to expect, but real strenght is can the ji ā o war star period.
'Maple'of, now spread.
"You feel that east territory area southeast region in sky in, emerging forces, have a lot?Enough threaten you thou month empire of, have a lot?"
The Luo maple face s è equanimity, orotund Ao however.A words, directly let of the old language Zhi.Is very understand in himself heart, in the southeast region and can threaten till thou month empire existence of emerging forces, only maple absolute being the group be also a to want to defend in a devious way now, basically can not figure out to lend.
"Maple He Yi?The old man is some don't understand."The old directly comes to stop one's ears.
He the words sound just fell, then abrupt however the felling belly spread a burst of acute pain, a sole of foot, deeply print in the top, flew its repulse back, sprayed a blood.
"You calculate what things, dare also claim to be in board director's in front' old man'"
A figure presents and impressively would is Chen Xing.Return to the maple absolute being group Luo maple then Lu absolute being the Dan gave he, at present nearly half year is past, the real strenght has already come to a star for middle.That old is in the its hand, and always the mole cricket and ant didn't distinguish.
"Next go."
The Luo maple saw Chen Xing Yi's eye, applause of ordered to nod, light tone way a , abrupt however with a downward exposure square fly.After death those monk, don't also hesitate, the board directors all descended to go to, how do they dare to also stand on the top.
"Empire thou month, the person of weight comes out to talk"
The voice of Luo maple, the lightest.But is to contain to the utmost the dint of the God's way, even if is a light language and also imitate if the thunder spreads unreal repeatedly.Whole Related articles:

