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It is hard to deal with ,Bai Suzhen ,green and black dragon king he still do a job with skill and ease ,but in the face of Kyushu tripod he had to work hard ,to know the Kyushu tripod but repression of China Kyushu and supreme God ,is now Kong Yu refinery ,begin to show their original power ,makes the Fahai dare not let down .
relationresultA hugestatue of Buddha with full mana to the bombardment ,but also can be one of four Kyushu tripod rest stop ,and five continue to the statue of Buddha at the past ,is a direct hit on the statue of the Buddha and was condensed Great Buddha in five Kyushu tripod .
It is so fragile ,huge body is actually the cracks began to appear .relationresultThestatue is Fahai sarira condensed ,Fahai spirit origin in which ,by such trauma ,nature is also affect Fahai flesh ,a mouth of the blood from the sea mouth spit it out ,and the suspended in Fahai head beads also gradually lost light ,faded away .
relationresultSee such case,Kong Yu Bai Suzhen to vote to a grateful look ,but then was build flash ,the hands of the bone sword relentlessly is toward the Fahai flesh thorn down, and all the mana is condensed in the statue of Buddha on the sea ,then how can match Bai Suzhen ?relationresultBonesword without any obstacles pierce the Fahai body ,the sword on the highly toxic immediately attack ,Fahai flesh in the twinkling of an eye was ulcerated up ,only for a moment of time is turned into a pool of blood .
Bai Suzhen looked at the pool of blood, two lines of tears streaming down can ,mouth murmured , Messire ,my revenge for you . , relationresultHowever,at this time , the relic of condensation that Buddha statue is also broke out again ,but it is condensed into a sarira ,then that is trying to flee away ,but in the heart of the relic to slip away when, Kyushu tripod is a endless suction ,the a sarira given live .
relationresultPinnedthe relic continued intense struggle, violent mana wave spread ,beats by dre studio hd,but how can not get rid of the shackles of Kyushu tripod ,became the order of prison .relationresult , relationresultThe 244th chapter try to Kunlun ( a ) , relationresultPrimarypurification of Buddhism ,their practice exercises are mainly practicing Sariputra ,in the form of Sariputra one time is their true spirit origin and Sariputra together ,even if his body is destroyed, as long as the Sariputra also exists, then that person is is not dead ,is still exists in this world .
relationresultAndcan also use the relic to find a new body ,it can make only superficial changes ,with the identity of the other man ,but this walk in rebirth practice injury days ,Buddhists or rarely do these things ,but to cannot but when, and no other choice .
relationresultFahaiflesh was she ruined ,but his relics still ,so long as Hai to flee ,seeking a flesh is can exist in this world, but his plan did not succeed ,he wanted to run away when, Kyushu tripod is on his way to be stopped ,Kyushu tripod emanating from huge attraction to Hai Buddhist relics in the air, cannot be removed .
relationresultBai Suzhen sawthis, and also to understand how this is going on ,she had thought that just will Fahai flesh :is to give his revenge ,but now that is still almost let Fahai .
But now the Fa Hai Sariputra was Kyushu tripod settle ,wants to escape is not possible ,wait for the night only death way .relationresultKyushutripod saw issued a huge attraction to Fa Hai Sariputra surrounded, so he could not be removed ,regardless of how the sarira Fahai sporadic mana ,want to break free, do not have any role in Kyushu tripod ,and the huge attraction ,Hai Buddhist relics from mana be absorbed by Kyushu tripod .
relationresultBut theFa Hai Sariputra is aware of the dangerous situation ,no longer generate mana ,but with their own mana struggling against Kyushu tripod from the huge attraction ,however Kyushu tripod from the suction is more and more huge ,even though hard to support, in accordance with the old was Kyushu tripod with a little ,just like spinning ,the Fa Hai to extract out of mana .
relationresultHad thefists of Sariputra in Kyushu tripod phagocytosis ,a little smaller ,and in that of Sariputra also finally came the roar of the sea panic ,just at this time his roar is so helpless ,Kyushu tripod without any pity devouring, until the whole relics they devour .
relationresultWhenSariputra last breath of mana was Kyushu tripod swallowed ,a spot appeared in the air ,that is the true spirit of French origin, from which you can see the sea panic helpless, but the light did not wait out any words are Kyushu tripod torn into pieces ,and then by the Kyushu tripod phagocytosis in, since Fahai finally is stigmata .
relationresultIn order to gather merit ,with tricks deceived Bai Suzhen water overflows golden hill temple ,although the boundless killed is created by Bai Suzhen ,the sea broke Bai Suzhen in after the supreme merit ,but karma natural won deviation ,Fahai is also infected with countless killed ,just retribution has been did not come .
relationresultAnd nowadaysretribution finally fell Fahai as he had done to pay the price, and the price is the stigmata ,completely disappeared ,with Bai Suzhen being repressed for thousands of years but more serious punishment .
And see the Fahai finally is dissipated in the worldly Bai Suzhen ,everything finally is down, feel very relaxed, but at that moment ,Bai Suzhen mood seems to improve a lot .relationresultFahaidied, his revenge ,Bai Suzhen heart of a peaceful and quiet ,looked up at a distance is and Li Yu war hole jade ,Bai Suzhen holds the bone sword build flash but also toward the Shushan sword school Tian-gang dipper sword array and large array rushed past Purdue Cihhang ,hole jade help her report her ,she is naturally to help Kong Yu complete the big industry ,green and black dragon king followed also flew toward the front ,soon joined the war .
relationresultWhileBai Suzhen and Kong Yu who they teamed up to shoot the picture falls on the primary purification followers of eyes ,but also let them feel very shocked ,primary purification disciples are not believed to have had taken the normal progenitor what may be Kong Yu such a only refine virtual integration and a heavy day .
To execute ?relationresultDisappear in smokeis at sea ,they also have to believe it ,presided over the Purdue Cihhang large array of Nanhai God ,see who was beheaded ,heart is also thrown at Purdue Cihhang monstrous rogue waves ,large array outside of violent attack various magic figure ,South Sea ,finally realized the seriousness of the situation, now she is about to get Kong Yu this has serious consequences ,but now she is in no way .
relationresultOfferingup bipolar magnetic bottle ,endless magnetic from bipolar magnetic bottle making ,continue to be close to the primary Purdue large array enemy suction bottle refining ,although time destroy a magic figure ,but the God of Nanhai ,but know that this isn go on for long ,because she knew the hole is not afraid of her jade bipolar magnetic bottle ,as long as Kong Yu .
The battle ended, so is their side to arrival time .relationresultLook atthe present situation, the South China Sea God ,know Shushan sword school and primary purification has it is all
up with ,although they are two of many disciples, but Kong Yu brought many people, but also are one of the fear of death magic figure ,which the devils in animal forms ,Xiangliu ,stone Related articles:

