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Sent for the call come ,people to help us, we can not out of courtesy . Xiao Han tao .relationresultThe door main said, I will go ! Qi harvest rose road .relationresultOld Qi left ,just the most that person ! Xiao Han ordered .
relationresultKabila wentto the station .Run out ,this also lets just awkward atmosphere a little relaxation on silk .relationresultThe feeling ,now we have teams of people on the outside ? Xiao Han asked .
relationresultThere are two teams ,one pair is a pair of war led Sarkhan, iron group, already two day and night .Estimated that this evening will return ! The know .relationresultWell ,well ,the other two teams victory ? , relationresultLord, our team a total of eight individual .
All eight return ,annihilating the sea clan forces one thousand 200 people ,master three . Ma Yujia stood before the road .relationresultWell ,well ,our results but also increased three .
, relationresultBefore the door ,our team a total of nine people ,nine people all returned safely ,only a slight injuries, all the remaining intact, annihilating the sea clan forces of about two thousand people ,Cheap Beats By Dre,master four .
Jiang Tao told Channel , relationresultVery good, three and four ,and seven sea clan master died in our hands ,from our sources ,there are at least eighty sea clan master at this time through the channel of the battle was that we wipe out ,this is a great victory .
Hitherto unknown victory ! Xiao Han excited .relationresultThanks to the door main decisive wise command ,or such a huge victory is we never imagined ,will load the Taoism history ! The harvest is also very excited ,although the victory is not under his leadership completed .
After all he is involved in ,also made a huge military exploits ,what does not satisfy you? , relationresultAndif it were his leadership Xuanmen ,he also dare to make such a proactive decision !relationresultAlthough we achieved a great victory .
But the situation that face is very grim ,I remember before starting with everybody said ,this time, our aim is to make peace ,and is inevitable ,but not yet reached that sea group bow summation steps .
While the huge losses ,sea clan will revenge .And the retaliation of hitherto unknown tragic ! Xiao Han said seriously , I got the news ,sea group will set the dog group master secret dragon island waters ,their goal is our Xuanmen headquarters .
, relationresultWe are notsurprised color, because before this ,already on the sea clan may retaliate by doing various assumptions ,this attack Xuanmen headquarters is also in that column ,but also was classified as top secret ,many deployment has been around this assumption ,but not below said .
relationresultThe door main ,news reliable ? The sleep asked .relationresultMessage ,which you can be assured ,the sea people unwilling to fail .In retaliation the not the first two things .
, relationresultHeadquarters Xuanmen island is five hundred thousand sea family ,if land ,it would make a killing . Fei Ming worried .relationresulthave thought .The headquarters of the five hundred thousand person can not be evacuated ,once the evacuation tells the sea clan ,we already have a guard ,so evacuation is not practical ,but I guess the sea clan this revenge is my nose headquarters .
If they really want to I five hundred thousand people start .In a war is inevitable ! Xiao Han he has a fear .Tiger shark King intelligence is not accurate, but that this is crazy Mermaid King lost of mad dog ,if he bites ,the sea clan with Dragon Island waters of all-out war ,the situation is complex, although the vast continent of humanity, this is a good is not good .
War ,can be opened ,would be dead ,and the dead is the most common people ,to the last Dragon Island waters left many humans that can not say .relationresultBut iffive hundred thousand people to evacuate ,a short period of time may not be able to do ,black island is so big, is surrounded by the sea ,almost no strategic depth ,even if the mobilization of Taoism all existing ships ,needs how for a long time to complete such a withdrawal ,especially to ensure that no leakage of a bit of news ,it is too difficult .
relationresultOnce theevacuation ,sea group will perform their attack plan, unless their commander kicked in the head by a donkey ,categorically will not carry out this plan ,even if the mermaid King flower I need a self-deception victory ,but the sea shrine off him ?relationresultSanchel wantedrevenge on Taoism ,not to the crazy situation ,so the attack should be the focus of Xuanmen headquarters ,in the absence of the Taoism headquarters before the attack ,who is not on the ordinary civilians under the command of killer ,if this time attack commander even primary and secondary are not tell it, it is only the no human can change too, because normal people will not do so ,not only the normal person would be so foolish ,but this one ,but to Xiao Han a wipe out this group of sea group master opportunity !relationresultThe seapeople either do not move, this move master number at least more than 100 ,or such a big adventure ,to get back alive to have much to say ,must concentrate power thunderclap ,then quickly leave ,let a person cannot make response, even if there is a response ,it is very difficult to gather within short time a strong pursuit force ,the final victory will belong to the sea clan !relationresultThis isXiao Han standing in the sea clan conceived such a revenge attack on war, and based on the information accurate circumstance ,this battle sea clan odds is very high .
But they don them ,even the intelligence has not made clear ,if so can still win ,it can only be said the family was really the gods bless ,fate of the return . Casualties can hardly be avoided .
The people on the island are not feeble force ,sea group into my hinterland attack, could not kill five hundred thousand people ,from door to door ,even a knife ,it takes a long time? As long as the headquarters of alarm sounded, headquarters and other three will be the first time in the message ,come support .
The most distant but also three hours ,three hours ,unless the group sent to thousands of master ,or only by a squad of 100 people ,that is in any case not to do ,and we island layout eighty dragon master ! Xiao Han explained .
relationresultThe island of eighty dragon master ! The people, apart from the prior knowledge of the Qi harvest ,others are shocked .relationresultThe door main right ,back in the door main decided the plan before ,had secret contact dragons .
Dragon Dragon Palace at United ordered ,total mobilization of one hundred Dragon Master quietly in various capacities into my nose headquarters and subsidiary island ,they are in general staff into the identity of the .
So basically we are not aware of .It is a master planned to keep a secret ,before telling everyone ,now the secret is not in the conservative necessity . Qi harvest stand up for Xiao Han explained .
relationresultEighty dragon master ,this is our nose at the height of power and more powerful .The group wants to sneak up on me Xuanmen headquarters ,it is take the egg ? s right ,we Xuanmen benefit with dragon is consistent, so the dragons do not accept our conditions ! Xiao Han smiles .
relationresultBut this time dragon without calling war church headquarters ,but the direct cooperation with us, so to avoid leakage of information ,all the dragon master from the gold dragon and ice dragon ,the other dragons also have not alarmed ,so to maximize the protection of the message will not be leaked ! Qi harvest road .
relationresult,just I also worry about the door main is it right? Should immediately ordered will headquarters ,unexpectedly headquarters than us at the time but also as strong as iron ,this look at the help sea worms touched the last head broken and bleeding ! Ma Yuhu stirring voice . Related articles:

