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Spirit of understanding is absolutely not lose ice .Ice used to be the Lich panda and double day against the leader leaves yang .The Ye Yu now can also be .But ,sometimes double day and not necessarily to the panda .
relationresultYe Yudidn direct jumped to three ,then added a slaughterhouse .The Yerd is stable and regular play soul home .Early did not put the mill, yerd is focus on wood accumulation .
This time is very important .relationresultCairn ... ... He made so many spiders ... ... Wuer is very depressed at Ye Yu in addition to the spider had not been other arms is very depressed .
Although less than 3 of the undead can indeed be a little, but yerd but the wolf riding ,white fly .relationresultThe answer soon to know . Cairn looks at Ye Yu keyboard .With an unfamiliar keyboard can so skilled, this is a bad .
More serious is to keep a high speed operation .This * * small Bailong seems not Langdexuming .From the beginning of the game is to double track operation .What sell in calabash, what medicine .
relationresult2 andMF over a period of time .Mercenary camp leaves Yu get is a boots of speed ,yerd is a life guard board .Single treasures from speaking seems to be yerd took advantage .
Store market with the MF to is all useless props ,2 were sold for cash .Thus ,in addition to the large tortoise ,2 people had no points on MF ,cheap beats by dr dre.relationresultThe enemyis not my real .
Yerd forces completely dominant ,but did not break 50 population .Yerd was the Ye Yu press .Ye Yu is trying to suppress ,but still short of a corrosion of the ball .relationresultThis is achallenge to the four heavenly kings of the last game ,only a few people .
Cairn et al are the master of devil beast .Cairn even see a bit absent-minded ,saw that the game didn not wonderful .relationresultAndthe dead in Ye Yu the base a good moment for EI tide sound .
The shop to buy out the corrosion of the ball ,at the same time Bistro flash a spider ,suddenly a huge body appeared .relationresultThe pit lord?!relationresultWuerwith black some dumbfounded .
So clumsy hero ,can resist the yerd army ?relationresultAbase to the orcs ,Tauren will tread heavily on the Lich said Hello ~ .The Lich was almost double eyes faint .The group of animals fed propped with nothing to do, just sit in the base such as yourself .
If you don come, slowly study science and technology ,the poor orcs not only eating grass ?relationresultA thought hereleaves Yu is a little regret ,how did not upgrade to 3 spider .
Now only 2 attack .relationresultBymay Ye Yu think, yerd white oxen 3 soul chain ,3 wolf riders net fly out .Suddenly 3 spiders were still on the ground .In the net out at the same time ,a shock wave roared .
Before Ye Yu could drag system ,chain lightning also as promised .relationresultSothe operation of yerd fast some amazing .Just before he could out of small labor share damage .relationresultYe Yu wasa vegetarian .
Spider quickly Bianzhen ,round shot issued at the same time, in front of 3 head ice armor has a spider .At the same time release frost nova .Large * * lord appears, a rain of fire fell down .
relationresultYerda small stay ,Ye Yu did not expect the two heroes will be big * * .EI2 base yerd scattered small place, not in time, large G wolf knight was the �������� ,even shouted down ~ flax .
relationresultYe Yublue blood plus car behind crazy top .Yerd ghost wolf tried to break through the front car to 2 steps .relationresultTauren Chieftainposition, at the same time eating speed scroll .
Wolf rider plus a large G ,with the Tauren quickly surrounded a spider .relationresultYerdheart coursing .These perioperative kill but in recent days to bishop practice many times results map .
relationresultBut the yerd isthrilling to find himself a bad position slightly odd big G ,also be surrounded .Large * * Lord Lich and spider .relationresultThe prophetis again released 2 chain lightning, Minotaur also emits the shock wave .
But this time ,Ye Yu ready .Shock wave in addition to the spider ,the rest are timely three open .At the same time the Lich for the spider out ice armor, plus a Frost Nova hit right in the middle .
Orc forces also appear very embarrassed .But calluses .relationresultAt this timethe spider were suddenly to the Minotaur .Lord emit flame array .Yerd stay in 2 seconds .Obviously, the spider will die soon .
But as the Minotaur blood less .If the Lich who has the blue bottle ,it .relationresultYerdprophet left step ,a lightning dart flew out .relationresultsave me ~ the Minotaur at their own blood is called .
relationresultRoll !Usually steal bubble Elven ACMM ,you drink wine .Now the body down ,want me to help you? No need for discussion. The prophet said .relationresultDon you ,is I is not good ,I now you admit .
You don to borrow my jade thin group give you get on, you also think of the years I help you kidnapping many witch MM !In the arena of mixed ,the most important is honest ! The Tauren have a step backwards ,afraid of a powerful Frost Nova bomb under his feet .
relationresult! The prophet did not think this insidious guy wants to reveal his past .Had to go straight towards the past exchange a bottle .relationresultAsthe Lich drank blue released Blue Storm crystallization .
Tauren then, drink bottle saved his life .At the same time the spider also disappeared on the map .relationresultI really save .The 150 dollars you go and buy a bottle Oh ,remember to give me oh , relationresult.
.. ... , relationresultI remember watching the production date Oh ~ ~ don expired , relationresult... ... , relationresultt buyanything Oh who want to leave a space oh , relationresult.
.. ... , relationresultOh.relationresultOh you mom ! The prophet to K Minotaur fist , I don ,you also Oh ,totally ignore others suffer !And oh I a stick to you * * ! , relationresultOh.
relationresult! The prophet . What time is .Hurry up separately ,I have no Miko, you big * * . , relationresultAh ?Holy cow? It unfair .relationresultYour letter not letter I put you in the war with a saw mill ,your little * * cut ?! The prophet eyes fire road .
relationresult... ... You must go. ,why so mean .I also Brokeback Mountain ... ... , relationresultSaidthe orcs in the changing forces .All this did not escape the eyes of Ye Yu .Ye Yu surrounded by large G ,this blood is not much .
But Ye Yu was watching the orcs at the protrusion part is divided into 2 teams ,and base seems to be well .relationresultOh, that relationresultThe 315th chapter Future Soldier , relationresultEmissionis not others ,it is before the hard wood is small .
Drunk - gel - net Spirit Walker again to release the soul chain .Orc forces a spectacular a lot, and began to divide into 2 teams to break up Ye Yu formation .relationresultPoor Ye Related articles:

