
beats by dre solo this time great beca

. And meanwhile, the black tunic person also shouts at top of voice:"Go to burning absolute being thunder, explode for me!" Sees five squares five evil ensigns in of three break out a dazzling red ray of light to the burning absolute being thunder, later on a huge sound and impact wave from among them vibration open. However these at hit five squares five evil ensigns on, unexpectedly drive difficult to express strength to sprunged to return to. Five square five evil ensigns were just violent to vibrate to resume equanimity several times. But this the power that doesn't mean into burning absolute being thunder only have this, the clear eye person can see on seeing, these five square five evil ensigns already the innate intelligence greatly lose, connect half cent the glory is all bright don't get up. Took back five squares five evil ensigns, seven Yan the old evil still some meat is painful, have no for cultivating of a 180 yearses, these five square five evil ensigns basically could not resume as before. At that time black tunic person but is very shocked, he knew to ownly have much power to the burning absolute being thunder naturally, currently he leave three, and 1 times all threw to go out, unexpectedly connect the other party half very small amount hairs don't hurt, how does this make him not shocked. And also in this time, the Yuan becomes and burning great again make moves. Sees the Yuan become three color better arms toward once black tunic person's unreal grasp, a three color quickly passing timeses arouse to shoot but. But out of the blue of BE, this three the colors are quickly passing time's in the sky just a flutter, change to disappear to disappear, descend a moment to unexpectedly appear in the fire after death, bump shot but go. Meanwhile, the burning great attack also equally attackstoned a fire in the body. But fire also non- of no importance, flame of body on winning, a little bit small disappearance that changes into a grain of rice size later on is missing. Descend a moment and then appear at burning great after death, a huge fire hand appears without basis, direct the Cui cannot compare with to defend of blaze a great dozen from afar. Was burning great to just want of, the bamboo of the periphery but become misty, descended a moment, he then disappeared at public view in. But Gao Yi's order worked properly a month to open a big of bamboo sea to shield the function that the absolute being knows. Body form a slipped away to come right away burning great ground of place. There are basically no many words two words, Gao chivalrous act turn the most evil sword, directly toward blazing great skull to split. But blaze at this time great because of dejected slow in times before come over, sign a horse to lift golden red color lance to block. "Mao!" One is huge to ring, produce after the collision of two handle lances. Gao Yi's this shot, but used enough strength, there is no one silk reservation, and turn the speed of the most evil sword also very quick, so the strength produced is fully a many decuple of high righteousness. One shot under, Gao Yi to the utmost gains an advantage, flame of anger Tao sky, completely lawless and godless. But burning great that handle the golden red color lance unexpectedly and directly break to two halfs, surprised must blaze great fly to back to open directly and quickly and backward. Speed, strength, these are the whole roots. As long as the speed arrived extreme achievement, can crack ten thousand methods. And there is also the parlance that a dint declines ten meetings, the strength comes to an extreme achievement and ignore your magical power 100001000, can break for you, even connecting space natural coverses can living to open. Gao Yi's this shot combines together strength and speed and more broke out power that ruins a sky to put out ground, living rare of give° the burning great double-edged sword to chop in two to open. Is just burning great and Gao Yi's in a flash in answering, early take advantage of an opportunity to slip away on a small snake of Gao Yi wrist burning great body side. Wait until burning great fly to back of, the body form suddenly soars to more than 30 Zhang size, spew out a venom, vomit at burning greatly protect body Xia light on.Protect that body Xia light moment give decay to drop. Although is burning great is a dollar baby to fix in the early years for, eight pole Long Mang's venoms was the world firsts unique poison, don't say to protect body Xia light and power, magic weapon, arrive behind even the souls could decay. Eight pole Long Mang the whole body scale open, the Chi Chi rubbing makes ring, the fierce also completely stirs up.The big is a toward burning great bite. Is burning great surprised disgrace, opportunity don't strike back at all, hurriedly avoid those venoms that splash since then. But Gao Yi in addition went in to fight at this time in. 2 people's one Mang unexpectedly and repeatedly fought. All of each ones are magical powers to exert and use all one's skill. "Ghost in the sky eight sounds!"Gao Yi shouts at top of voice, whole body the earthquake move, that kind of kinds of difficult to express and marvellous voices, directly sting into arrive burning great brain, make it temporarily disgrace, and this time, eight pole Long Mang Yi put big tail, direct will burning great sweep in the ground, the poisoned liquid also follows. Is burning great the Kui not was a dollar baby to fix in the early years for, hard solved eight pole Long Mangs heavily on sweeping, signed a horse to also wide awoke a lot, those venoms averted from greater half, only several was stained with in his body. "Jie Jie Jie!Jie Jie Jie!You have already won the world first unique poison, return ability heel my Dou, contributing of darling your whole body true dollar, let me thoroughly gobble up a to turn over."Gao Yi Hua hasn't finished saying, burning great feel body one Jiang, even the soul deep place also sends out a difficult to express shudder, later on two eyes a black, completely lost consciousness. Gao Yi jumps up and don't hestitate of display to turn the most evil achievement, abruptly of will burning great whole body true dollar to absorbed clean. Dollar the true dollar inside the monk body that the baby expects is very huge, if not that Gao Yi Rou's body is violent, this time perhaps have already accepted to can not stand. Although have no big Ai, Gao Yi still sits down to start a chain turning to get inside the body of true dollar. But this time, Gao Yi feels around around unclearly, oneself can with lend this of gobble up, can will fix for the state that promotes till knot Dan middle. (Today only a more, but weight foot of, approach 3,500 words.Moreover the many thanks threw nine brotherses of PK tickets, don't know as well how contact you, very thankful, certainly many books friends that is silent to back me up, the cavalry appreciates you more, your silent support, I have been recording.)Chapter 39 week sky disappearance with burning great stars diagram, don't arouse public armistice, both parties on the contrary fight of more vehemence. The Yuan becomes to only depend on Wang Zhen now, so he now is feed Wang Zhen Ma's head to look forward. But fire the position that finally expressed him, because the evil crocodile died, so next his turn,beats by dre solo, so he have to equilibrium two squares' influences. Fire also not the Kui is to blaze to work properly Jing very much, fasten the comprehension of magical power to the fire far super public, the fire fastens magical power on the his hand heel in the monk in dollar baby's middle basically nothing important difference, even some fires in the place still have more original place. Yuan become ask for help of back wing-like in shape magic weapon and three color better arms, fight with fire, in order to prevent guard to wait Wang Zhen to solve a black tunic person, then destroy a fire for many, he wanting to do now of being procrastinating time, . Repeatedly attackstone to the fire, the Yuan achievement repeatedly evades confrontation with, but arrests till the time of opportunity, will also don't hestitate of use three color better arms to give fire to emolliently backstroke. Black tunic person the pressure greatly reduce, but didn't also drop with the light heart at the moment, nose in a very relentless black Gang breeze, like 100001000 general, toward Wang Zhen gobble up since then. Wang Zhen lightly smiles 1:"The gold emperor cuts!" Words sound didn't°yetFall, the Wang Zhen Zheng individual disappears to disappear, raises hand for the knife by the side of the black tunic Human body later on and directly splits to cut down. At the moment Wang Zhen like one handle the rare treasure knife is general, the whole individuals all send forth a light gold color, vehemence relentless, the speed is strange quick, imitating the Buddha is that the emperor emperor whom all world golds fasten is general. Is also a black tunic person's vigilance strange Gao, appear at Wang Zhen at the body beside of, sign a horse all over the body black spirit a spool of, wrapped up oneself. But even if so, Wang Zhen Zheng individual like one handle long-handled sword, still a cut but descend. After, a shot's black spirit spreads to the utmost, black tunic person's blouse is ragged and matchless, the scale is set aside, there is a very big before the chest son, the blood also overflowed out. "Water emperor's boxing!"Wang Zhen shouts at top of voice, the water vapor curls up week sky, endless endless pound of Bo water vitality upsurges, the one punch tees off, like the surge dash about generally, certainly can not block. The black tunic person has to repeatedly resist and connects the opportunities for striking back to all have no. Is close behind, Wang Zhen continued to display again, fire emperor Zhang, wood emperor achievement, the soil emperor's way!Three kinds of magical powers, the black tunic person's root for beating is emollient to have no place to make, suppresses the stuffy air of one belly. Air shadow of human figure repeatedly, the speed of black tunic person and Wang Zhens shall arrives soon extreme achievement, with as for leaves a slice of film falsely shadow, let people distinguish not pure. "Pa!Pa!Pa!"Is a few stuffy loudly send out. Sees Wang Zhen aweather but signs, but black tunic person then vomit a blood, the earthquake flies to open. "This is what you force me, I want you to die and take your absolute being soul to connect to refine into puppet."Black tunic person Nu drinks repeatedly, then the top of head come out two green smokes, two mountain peaks that connect together appear at the public top of head later on on. "The 2 dollars saint mountain presses for me, ruthlessly presses and presses to die him!I want him to die to have no whole corpseses, "black tunic person's blood Related articles:

