
cheap beats by dre sed for three days

Swallow day will exercise promotion fourth realms ,six consciousness already can cover the area of km within the scope of the Qin ,the murmuring with Qin Houde footsteps pause sound nature in his ears ,his lips could not help but slightly upturned, showing a beautiful arc .
relationresultQin Houde and othersthink so right ,Qin days if really can not stand this three person enthusiasm ,had deliberately pretend play this weakness three leave .relationresultDon weir Nancheng Andrew in Huan Rui city have Eyeliner ? Still, Qin days if started thinking about a problem .
relationresultQin Tianzongworked out from the weir ,Nancheng to Huan Rui City ,round-trip journey is seven days .That is to say ,if the weir Nancheng Andrew in Huan Rui City Eyeliner words ,short and old blue robe middle-aged spread, weir south Zheng home about seven days time will be able to post Rui city against Qin ,and now the time has passed for three days ,to Qin left preparation time is about four days .
relationresultViolence yuan Dan side effect also is really speechless ! Think of themselves have to cripple general in bed almost lay twelve days ,Qin Tianzong is very depressed ,do yourself in the weir south Zheng home Huan Rui City, also have eight days of hell ?relationresultBut some ofthe fact can not be changed ,Qin Tianzong was tired of tangled this problem ,his attention was soon transferred to the leg of .
relationresultMelthole Qin ancestors Qin Shining writing to Qin Houde I feel some combat skills, and these tactics most relevant to participants ,also because such ,Tian Qin music this is not Peter keen on those tactics ,both with Ye Wu test action ,or with a short old man fighting, he is subconsciously exert melt hole sentiment out skill in battle .
relationresultUnfortunately,feeling out tactical not system ,this makes Qin Tianzong a little crazy feeling ,he was sure that ,if can take that step complete society ,it is a set of comparable to the ten thousand thousand clouds of war .
relationresultDon Yancheng Qin no complete leg combat skills, if Yancheng Qin complete leg combat skills, I myself should go to Yancheng . , relationresultFrom themelt hole rubbing out writing again figured out again ,Qin Tianzong is a bit bored .
relationresultRubbingout writing although with molten hole handwriting as like as two peas ,but lack a mood ,cheap beats by dre,Qin days if how to observe, can realize what ,the only thing he sees is layer upon layer swallow day never formula .
relationresultShadowless leg ,Luo step ... ... Weir south Zheng home leg skill in battle was a lot ,even at two congenital realm warriors who are carriers of tactics ,but their leg and skill is really not much, even as he understood the body ! , relationresultSee from theblue robe middle and short the old man out of things ,Qin days if couldn his mouth twitched ,totally not interested to read two combat skills .
relationresultQin Tianzong does not know is,from his short and old blue robe middle-aged body search out tactical ,not a Rui City Zheng family ancestral combat skills, but the two men just returned from a treasure library selected, only two individuals had not yet turned family ,by Qin Tianzong and Ye Wu gathered the life .
relationresultZheng Yuansong ,you lied about strength of reason, let us Zheng Jiaping white without any reason lost two innate state warrior ,you know ! Weir south Zheng home ,without a white old man Li snapped .
relationresultTheold man is white without weir Nancheng Zhengjia current home Lord Zheng Changgong ,half a day before ,suddenly he indirectly to the tip-off ,family sent to Huan Rui city two innate state Wu was killed in his house in front .
relationresultThe master of the house for his life ,Yuanmatsu said every word, Qin only Qin Houde the old man innate state warrior ,but his strength is strong than my two grandfather first only, but Qin bossing US elixir division apprentice in the house and it could never be broken ,Qin Qin home ! To hear Zheng Changgong lecture, Zheng Yuansong is frightened and beyond ,shouted for help .
relationresultNo matter how you explain, we Andrew in Huan Rui City wreck two congenital realm of Wu message is completely true, do you want to tell me that they are tired of living in the city ,so a rul Qin playing in front of their house Dutch act ? Zheng Changgong gave Zheng Yuansong a look of disgust ,but said .
relationresultHearthe words of Zheng Changgong ,Zheng Yuansong body shaking because of more powerful ,he now is regret ,early know weir south Zheng home on their own family death is this attitude, bring their own treasure store.
Conceal one as well, and take the treasure library to weir Nancheng Zhengjia ,results from the girls .?relationresultBut Zheng Yuansongknows this too late ,in spit of the booty Library he found the weir south Zheng home on their attitudes changed turn the world upside down changes ,and weir Nancheng Andrew in it is without rhyme or reason.
To die two congenital realm warrior ,he had become the arch-criminal .relationresultThe master of the house ,I said that a treasure ,only one family found only, actually we family in pale purple domain adventure for many years, also discovered a ancient mythical battlefield .
.. ... Zheng Yuansong in order to protect life ,bite the bullet ,from his mouth a shocking secret .relationresultThe forty-ninth chapter Vientiane firms help ( and recommended votes ) , relationresultThe ghost war ?Even if only a small part of the ancient mythical battlefield ,the benefit is enough to keep the family to eat up ! Zheng Changgong was Zheng Yuansong revealed thoroughly shocked news .
, , relationresultThe Zheng Yuansongbranch opened, Zheng Changgong immediately convened a family meeting ,in addition to the five old antique ,Zheng home remaining fourteen innate state warrior in full .
relationresultWhen Zheng Changgong takes theancient mythical battlefield ruin things that after the procedure ,the hall of boiling .relationresultThe master of the house ,that Zheng Yuansong said credible ,almost all land knows pale purple domain contains ancient mythical battle sites ,sometimes have a strong pale purple domain thorough exploration, also don discovered ancient mythical battlefield sites .
, relationresultIf I Huan Cheng Rui city just two strong pseudo congenital realm only, they do not have the strength in depth pale purple domain inside ,this is not the Zheng Yuansong in order to survive ,to tell a lie to deceive us out ? , relationresultZheng Yuansong said no matter whether the information is true, we must go to a city of Dept.
of trip ,we are willing to accept a Rui City Zheng home ,while a Rui city planted eyeliner, just wait for the arrival of this day ? Looking at the hall screaming like, Zheng Changgong virtual lift hands ,the full house down ,muttered .
relationresultHearthe words of Zheng Changgong ,hall and suddenly fell silent ,then face a fanatical look ,Zheng forces almost to the development of innate mystical acme, if Zheng Yuansong mouth said ancient mythical battle remains true, and this relic is able to give the Zhengjia bring good luck to you ,whether or not means the Zheng family can be promoted to the attractive forces ?relationresultAftera discussion ,Zheng finally could not withstand the temptation goblins battlefield sites ,they decided to make careful preparations ,pale purple domain exploration into ancient mythical battlefield sites .
relationresultThe Zhengfamily naturally or half unconsciously to Ziyun in the ancient battlefield sites hide Genie information ,Cheng is very clear ,if Ziyun were to know ancient mythical battlefield sites ,Zheng family can only become expedition of the puppet, to share a cup of table to be good ,and Xiang Zi cloud in concealing the message ,it may let the Zheng family earn a basin full body ,forces overtook Ziyun were also not impossible .
relationresultBrother ,I always feel that something is not right ,weir Nancheng two congenital state to a strong Rui city against us ,why do they carry so many things ? To study ,Qin Related articles:

