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On that one only being killed the monster ,Lu Ping their heart is naturally blossom happily .relationresultWith great carewith the force behind, with five rows of Shenfan picking up the monster ,Lu Ping a few of them like a hard-working bee ,refused to let any one monster .
But as a result of the war the army fierce ,in front of combat ,few people pay attention to the back of what happened ,this let Lu Ping they can enjoy cheap .relationresultOldmonk is also with the army behind, he also did not sell, is with the army behind look ,while the old monk is the only saw Lu Ping of their actions ,but the old monk is said nothing ,just as in force behind, it is like they put in to Lu Ping like ,in order to prevent lupin were found .
relationresultChungGOD Devil ridge monster beyond count ,everfount ,execute a batch another batch will be coming in ,and a number of more than a group of powerful, although six hundred thousand army formed by force is very large ,but in such consumption is started under the casualties ,Shushan sword school and various martial art disciple ,Sanxian ,evil spirit race are many elite falls .
relationresultAmong theridge occupied range is very wide ,so the battle is very broad ,the fighting is not too crowded .While in the opposite side of the endless North club Luchou ,Shaqi tumbling ,inexhaustible ,but also from which emerge constantly a ferocious ferocious monster ,toward the Shushan sword school led the army to come here ,fighting between the two parties is becoming more and more fierce ,but this time it was the fight has just begun stage .
relationresultTheonly one of the gush of monster is just the most inferior monster ,nothing was sacred wisdom ,influence ,only know that will kill this monster ,though inexhaustible ,but with the Terran side is not much of a threat .
In the monster on many of the more high grade monster ,who is the real threat .relationresultAt this time Shushansword school founder long eyebrow ancestor and all Menpai supremo is did not sell, but let the door disciples in hand ,this battle though dangerous ,but also exercise the door this good opportunity, can in this war to survive are the elite, and after the war returned to their respective schools will be focused on the cultivation of ,cheap beats by dr dre.
As for the long eyebrow ancestor they are waiting for those higher monster appeared ,this time they need to keep the strength .relationresultWar islike a raging fire to carry on, and several of them in the back of Lu Ping is more like a raging fire in five Shenfan picking up those beheaded monster ,however at this time ,a shrill sound of screaming came, suddenly the monster is stopped the attack, then is just like low tide to the north are lo delta direction receded .
Something like this let Lu Ping thought they had won the battle ,but look at each school head face ,but they know is not so simple .relationresultAlthough themost common monster is defeated ,but then will emerge more high grade monster ,this thing all Menpai disciples are very clear ,so look at the monster away are not kindled ,but are quickly in the restoration of their mana ,because in the next there are more fierce battle waiting for them .
relationresultWiththe sound of screaming after, from all the North Luchou direction a figure, densely packed ,in the blink of an eye is to make the whole sky filled up ,and see the figure ,here each faction disciple suddenly is pale ,secretly complain of suffering together ,but also all is ready for war .
relationresultTheflying a figure gradually reveals the true face ,I saw the monster normal and similar, slightly bigger ,but each is a very ferocious appearance ,with long tusks ,behind a on the wings ,and who have long fluff ,but a different color, white ,red ,and green ,and the monster flying Yaksha ,mana is not particularly high ,but the monster is very strong as iron bastions ,general ,general Feijian are difficult to harm them .
relationresultLook atthat like the locusts with flying Yaksha ,each faction disciple are pale ,even some school head is not some staggering, did not think of the monster have unexpectedly so fast ,the last has been cut once ,so fast and there is so much flying Yaksha ,it seems that this war is sure to be very hard .
relationresultThe sound ofscreams from the flying dragon mouth to send out ,then the body is white hair flying Yaksha is to jump up ,this is the weakest of the flying Yaksha ,and the strongest is the body hair is green flying yaksha .
The flying dragon is not only physically very powerful ,even speed is very fast ,a path into the same in all school students made up .relationresultAlthough it isthan the preceding those monster strong many ,but this level of the flying Yaksha ,each faction disciple can deal with ,then faced the only flying Yaksha ,each student is to display their most powerful spells and magic ,towards the flying Yaksha bombardment of the past, war once again set off .
relationresultAnd at this time,a small fox is in trouble .She had the mana is not high ,only rely on their own charm of law won the chance to destroy the monster ,in front of the battle she can cope with ,but in the face of the only flying Yaksha when, as some do ,her charm of law has been not so good with .
relationresultHe saw aflying dragon is a direct to the small fox is faint ,mouth uttered voice screaming ,mouth open toward the little demon fangs is a bitten .Faced with this situation ,a small fox is somewhat dumbfounded ,not knowing what to do ,only watched the fangs toward their bite .
relationresultIt is however in thisbe in grave when, a tall figure in front of the small fox ,the little fox and one, and found himself in the presence of figure is actually a smile that wretched zombie .
relationresult , relationresultThe 454th chapter yangmingliwan ( nine) , relationresultA pedestrian whohad followed Lu Ping to demons ridge ,the main reason is because Lu Ping in big brother back to make this decision ,while others are to see that Lu Ping obscene thoughts ,but because Lu Ping was a big brother ,and this kind of thing is it ,so there is no exposed lupin .
relationresultWithin the army found so many cheap behind also let Lu Ping they are very happy ,but in the process, Lu Ping but has never left small fox spirit and body, has always been concerned about the situation of a small fox ,fox demon to prevent danger when he can first time rushed to the hero ,and now finally let him wait for opportunity, so he did not hesitate to rushed up .
relationresultLu Pingusing his own body as straight, thought so in the small fox heart ,his image will become more and more large ,and then look at fly flying Yaksha ,Lu Ping sweep in the hands of five lines Shenfan ,suddenly a flame out ,is the flying dragon swallowed into the day .
Then Lu turned face ,with his think most sincere smile ,look at the little demon said softly , little fox ,are you okay ?Brother come to rescue you . , relationresultOriginally,Lu Ping had come to rescue her ,let the little fox faint or quite moving ,but saw Lu Ping the wretched smile ,a small fox immediately is pouting ,turned her back on lupin . Related articles:

