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, will all things to the scapegoat !relationresultIt is a pity thatthis guy .His mind completely exposed ,Xiao Hua see, heart sneer ,lift the liquid nitrogen spray cans said to him : know this stuff is used to do what ? , relationresultEmergency treatment for wound treatment .
Skinny young heart disturbed replied .relationresultOh ,you don boy or a little knowledge .The recognize the word here ,here ,a skull and cross bones here two ,big red ,should recognize it, read it to me .
Xiao Hua pointed to the spray cans said with a smile .relationresultThe liquid nitrogen spray spraying body is strictly prohibited sensitive areas ,such as XX or OO ,the absolute prohibition of ,otherwise the consequence is proud ! Skinny young word read ,read more to the back ,he is disturbed ,can not help a bit pale complexion .
relationresultGood, but not a single word reading the wrong ,I could not help but praise you two ! Xiao Hua laughed ,then the sepulchral look to skinny young !relationresult---- -- -- -- , relationresultSecondmore ,ask the ticket !relationresultThank youplutonium and high ( 588) ,walking ,(588) ,blowing in the wind ( 588 ) ,book 100730000155006 ( 588) ,and her dark ,lonely ,handsome leaves ,blue conch ,so time surviving ,Dumbo ,beans ,purple Ting ,chenmzj reader play tour support !!relationresultThe seventy-third chapter constitution pastor occupation assessment information , relationresultPS:read books on area ,many readers of this chapter two realistic plot has the objection .
I think here explain a good point .Believe everybody also saw ,I on the description of the reality and the urban culture is ,is not how, this is what I want to end as soon as possible reality the important reasons, another reason is the constant conversion of the game and reality ,so I dizzy head ,writes is also put forward beam ,and this is a game ,I believe we also want to see the game more ,so I decided to end as soon as possible the real story ,let Zhou Xiaorou into the game ,then focus on the game .
So this will have two chapters appear very cold reality drama ,my idea is very simple ,it is written again, let us look cool ,really can not accept ,as it is in different time and space to earth .
.. ... , relationresult---- -- -- , relationresult,don ,my dad know the mayor ,you hurt me, my father will never let you go ! Skinny young hurriedly shouted .relationresultXiao Hua wasa short, then laugh scolds: know the mayor be something ,the mayor also received my dad millions of bribery ! His father is in those who help to successfully fled abroad ,they are just the mayor threatens him, really laugh bad street !relationresultThen,Xiao Hua the finger movement ,a gas from the liquid nitrogen spray cans in the smoke, fuel injection to the skinny young crotch !relationresultDon ,don ,I won ! Young was a skinny body cold ,can be frightened and change color of pleaded .
relationresultNext time ,you this guy little brother at the world is evil ! Xiao Hua choose not to continue to spray a .relationresultAh !! Skinny young screaming sound big, wait for Xiao Hua to quit ,was following a numb ,a cold heart ,again fainted .
relationresultThetall man is also disposed of after ,Xiao Hua returned to the room ,turned out a number to find the book ,called : Hey ,Liu director ,is my ... ... Who am I ,ah ,is the absconding abroad surname Xiao guy son .
.. ... Think of me, oh ,never mind ,here I caught two thieves ,trouble call for help under the treatment of ... ... How could not kill ,kill ,alive and well ... ... Well ,that trouble you .
, relationresultXiao Huaput down the phone ,is a sigh of relief, his dad while leaving him run away ,but the man is really a lot of bribery ,also very clever secretly left evidence ,this book was and his father have relationships with people ,despite the problem for them, as long as they don kill people ,all have people will help .
relationresultHalf an hour later,a police car came ,a tall policeman to take two thieves away ,simple to Shaw Hualu point statement left rolled away .relationresultThank you.Zhou Xiaorou has completely calm down ,Xiao Hua walked into the room from the outside ,very grateful to Xiao Hua .
relationresultNo, that . Xiao Huabai waved from the downstairs ,a carton ,went to Zhou Xiaorou room at the entrance .relationresultTemporary carton filled with ,this two days to call for a fan .
Look at his kick in the door ,Xiao Hua feel shy of the torsion head .relationresult�� ��� ��relationresultAfter luncha little ,Xiao Hua returned to the game, in the game ,and most backpack backpack bomb ,but Xiao Hua did not practice ,but ran back to the city .
relationresultReason?Very simple ,after lunch ,Zhou Xiaorou said she thought have a look in the second world ,play games ,relax ,hope Xiao Hua to teach her .Xiao Hua certainly will not refuse, then created from character to the novice to do the task or process village said again .
relationresultAlthough Zhou Xiaoroudidn second world this game ,but still played the part of the game ,the game will not unfamiliar, Xiao Hua said she nodded ,soon to the game have probably understanding .
relationresultXiao Huagan returned tothe city, bought a very beautiful shining white warm female fashion ,then referral back to reality ,Zhou ang long out of the new village ,room is medium he ,see Xiao Hua ,will her own resurrection environment described a .
relationresultThe resurrection point ,five minutes after you on the line on the line . From Zhou Xiaorou description, Xiao Hua immediately knew that place .relationresultFive minuteslater ,Xiao Hua arrived at the east side of the resurrection in point ,then saw Zhou Xiaorou being two men around .
Zhou Xiaorou is not change appearance ,appears in the resurrection point let two men gathered around, just with a soft face now is a face and Jiabunai trouble ,do not look very good mood .
relationresultGirl ,I am 45 warriors ,come, I take you to the company level, than you would a person practicing a lot faster oh ! This guy is met with the beautiful feelings forget the rules of the game ,level 45 how he practiced with a level 10 rookie ?relationresultHumph ,beauty ,don deceived by him ,he is definitely not your upgrade !I am 46 knight, can bring a bunch of strange to you slowly ,to upgrade the speed of absolute fast ,but also not afraid of injuries ! The knight was significantly more smart, attacked the soldiers at the same time ,also know how to use the advantage of occupation .
relationresultIn 45,grade 46 ,at the present stage is high grade game player layer ,but Xiao Hua heard two people flirt with hot chicks discourse ,is not sweat a ,looks like in this world is more proficient .
relationresultTrotup, Xiao Hua takes out a white warm female fashion ,grinning, said to Zhou Xiaorou : beauty ,with brother go ,this will give you the luxury fashion ! , relationresultZhou Xiaorou went to seeXiao Hua ,I was hesitated, and then immediately recognized him ,listening to Xiao Hua words ,Heart funny ,he smiled and nodded, follow Xiao Hua to go away .
relationresultAWarrior Knight terrified at Xiao Hua is just using a gorgeous fashion put girls abducted, and then beating heart stamped their regret ,how stupid, how can this year go soak MM ?relationresultThe two person probably regret dead .
Zhou Xiaorou thought finally saw the two men look ,can not help but laugh ,beats by dre australia.relationresultOh ,you what is the name of the game ,I meet you . Xiao Hua also laughed .relationresultColorful rain and sun .
Zhou Xiaorou replied .Name the time had many names have not passed ,or the last a bit longer, before being occupied .relationresultTwo peoplewith a friend ,Xiao Hua looks at Zhou Xiaorou Related articles:

