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Of ironclad ship need not two days can arrive opposite shore, so these are our advantages.
And decrease soldier number don't represent to reduce a war capability, powerful training is can not help, anyway the military expenses can not exceed national income pretty much at ordinary times of a, let the people eat satisfied is the most important of, still enrich a Wu people first, at take rich Wu the people is a moral path, I want to say of so, have putting forward of problem to discuss now"
Grant at this time that the text immediately after asks a way:"China Anne, you say to set up another the problem of new city, even if have us the funds to make use of, but the problem of building materials and artificial how solve? to that stone material and many Yu manpowerses that took to once handle so more? want to know east pure that has already become critical very much, basically could not adjust hand …………"
I thought a to want to say with smile:"This is simple, dismantled all of the outside city walls of the herding city and four Wei cities not to have, and still had an advantage like this,cheap beats by dr dre, if which side insurrection can directly send a soldier even disorderly need not worry and offend city and also have already to set up the material that the casino wants to use can also show off the all outside wall of day, concealed month and emperors is also dismantled to use, ha ha"
"Have no a city wall how defend? China Anne doesn't make good?" grants an asking of force doubt way
"Who make with you ah? now who will beat you? grant a text? fan fog forest?" I counter-question a way
Grant the force hears my words behind first Leng for a while, then say with smile:"I how all forgot is all my own person now, ha ha ha …………"
The "however China Anne, even if have funds but use by also not enough the population root of now two countries ah? unless don't farm and don't dig the mineral adjusts persons to all set up city" over Yan Zhen immediately after says
"Make reference to this problem, I once thought as well, so I intend to purchase ° from the mother mainland a slave, I think should 100,000 enough" I wanted to say for a while
"Buy a slave? isn't the meeting too cruel?" Dai Xi towards me to ask a way
"We don't maltreat them again and buys a slave to have two advantages, on being the problem that solves physical labor, two is to work out a population problem, I prepare to make these slaves work over five years and can become our citizen or work over three years then get to soldier in undergo military service can also become our citizen for a year.
Don't forget to grant text and eldest sister-in-law there population serious disequalibrium, have a little foreign population always okay, I will also buy some persons who once picked come over, otherwise shine on the situations in nowadays, have no a ten several 20 years ofs will not reply vitality of"I say
The "young master, but shine on you say of, probably currently can the funds making use of are also not enough ah, I calculate for a while at least more than 20,000,000 gold coins just may do of arrive" Meng Luo Chuan calculated to say for a while
"Need not worry, we can use a sweet azure stone and demon to directly take to change a slave, I believe the slave businessman of the mainland of mother can't refuse, anyway these two kind thing cheapnesses of very" I say with a smile
"Cheapness of very? China eldest brother did you go crazy? these two kind things but may come with luck delicacy, how might say to take and then take come out?" over joss-stick of Yan Ning loses a voice of call way
The pear Ying finishes clapping the shoulder of the joss-stick of Yan Ning to say with smile at this time:"Ning younger sister Xiang, this you didn't know, all of sweet azure stone and demons were what China Anne does outs, he wants how much have how much, need not worry"
"Is true of? don't fool me  ̄ " over joss-stick of Yan Ning doesn't believe of say
"Fool you and have no an advantage, also not afraid speak with you, the cost of an azure stone cup doesn't arrive a silver coin, however at mother mainland can sell to more than 1,000 gold coins, but the sweet demon improve harvest at me under, can have one for a month 100 several 10 catties aren't problems, only I don't want to sell at a time to be too many just, with then the quantity system price can do long-last business, many worthless" I finish towarding Yan Ning saying of joss-stick explanation
"China Anne  ̄ a little bit records not to live, Gan frailty your allotment for a while everyone's task like, like this do a meeting a little bit in brief some" grants that the force towards what I suggested to say
"The Lei  ̄ want Ao again I, you are an emperor good? I am just the common run of people and have no official position, I am a that sees in the Dai Xi and the pear Ying up just help yours, you must try do-it-yourself decision, otherwise two sisters-in-law can also help you and also have already granted text and your wedding expenses till now didn't°yet whereabouts, you the brothers a pair want to marry a wife words, oneself wants to think the way raise, don't hope me" I toward officer's brothers to say
The "grant force, you not are promise me to want when the emperor with took? even want the expenseses of wedding to depend on others ah?" over Yan Zhen pretends saying of Chen
"Hum  ̄ , I talk to calculate words, this wedding I must the breeze scene doing make you consumedly show face!" grants that the force finishes towarding Yan Zhen, the confidence is full to fullly say
"The  ̄ tone is so arrogant, so we come right away to everywhere see who ready to the expenses of wedding first, I also want your eldest sister-in-law scene for a while!" grants that the text defies spirits of say
The "grant a text, this you also want to contend for …… is really of ………" over Yan shows red the face say
"This is but the man's dignity, eldest sister-in-law, two sisters-in-laws see the performance of their brothers" I say with smile
I grant a text after getting up next day, they have already left and see to is to return to favour, I round hall first to want to finish seeking Yan Ning joss-stick they 3 wrangle, however seek along while even personal shadow didn't see.
At this time my heart next big strange, don't know that these three Ni sons ran where to go ?However since can not find a person, that I am easily also happy can a person go out to take a walk also good.
Arrived at avenue up, the city inside is everywhere person bearer go toward the prospects of one parties jollification, I literally sought teahouse in the house to make the dessert sit is being eaten by the seat of window, however a person eat always a little bit lonesome.
Want already and arrive at this place for quickly full two years, in addition to top officer and the friend of over Yan houses, seem to don't know others, don't even say fair-weather friends, in this time, from outside come in three people, the eye sees other tables all sit full person, in the middle of one among those persons see my this table of only a person, so come over here asking of courtesy way:"The you was sorry, full up here, can we combine a table?"
I miss this person still pretty polite of, at that moment say all right, after 3 people sit down, I exchanged greeting with them each other for a while and knew in the dialogue, these 3 people are three brother and sister, age heel I about, the name is also very special.
The eldest brother is that the remaining of calling of male is uncommon, a high big warrior, the seniority is secondary is a beauty to be called remaining extraordinary, will use bow and arrow and simple sorcery, minimum of then be called remaining unique, specialty is to search a trace, listen to remaining uncommon to say, they 3 is mother the adventure of the mainland labor union.
Originally intended second especially the orchid lifted a Si mainland to look for a work opportunity, however under the sistuation that could not connect a good work, they wanted to return to mother's mainland development, was waiting the merchantman of the mainland of mother to return to now.

The threeth gathers chapter 8
Renew time:2008-11-511:46:50 chapter word numbers:6894

"Remaining eldest brother, you are in the mother mainland make it not well? why want to be second does the orchid lift development in the Si mainland especially?" I toward remaining uncommon don't understand of ask a way
Remaining is uncommon to sigh a way at this time:"Our three brother and sister at risky the grade of the labor union is too low basically could not connect good work, mean to say come to this tries, have never thought still similar result, early know to go home to inherit bar like ……… ."
"Eldest brother, this also can't of ah, good works all drive big of the group rent away, we only have three people, think into big group again nobody introduction ………" remaining is unique consolation of say
"Taking a risk the labor union is what appearance? can say with me? second especially does the orchid lift Si to seem to have no this kind of labor union?" I curiously ask a way
The "China eldest brother, our work has a little with mercenary soldier similar, labor union is like introduction similar, can introduce a work to us, however would not° until the ability of seeing and grade accept, the association is divided into six classes of members, have to accumulate to complete a work to reach then certain number can enter class, series the more high risk is more strong, however is opposite, earn also much, we currently are sixth classes is also lowest one class" remaining extraordinary explanation says
"So miserably? you can not connect work?" I immediately after ask a way
"Is to have, not Related articles:

