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The knight fills the vacancy"of the roaming swordsman was really more and more interesting ……
However, no matter how these three personal identities are, to their surveillance all is have to, who make them appear now here.
"Be really of, thoroughly a celebration ceremony drive those blamed idiocy to break, does the somebody else still want to thoroughly have fun for a while and really feel disappointed."
Return to hotel, the match Lei Di Ya didn't return to his/her own room but is the room that drilled into east meteor together with star shadow inside, she starts on sitting down Du red lips Jiao Chen get up, but the eastern meteor then didn't hold the same kind of view with her and sat beaming with smiles by the side of the table, not know is just thinking what.
Or the star copy to understand eastern meteor, light tone openings way:"Young master, are you missing that Mr. Carter?"
The eastern meteor ordered to nod, way:"Although he begins to have no two times,I can see, his near war ability is on the technique although cannot compare with you certainly would not differ as well too greatly, and ……he perhaps is compound type occupation, be like Ya Ya."
Although he is an impassability current affairs,fight aspect the knowledge of absolute no one to exceed him at Wu Ji, combat memory and experience intelligence of the ancestries all already drive he completely absorb blend, he is what anyones can not compare in Wu Ji's understanding, that Carter although just a little bit move a hand, still right away drive he to see clues.
"Is similar to me ……he is also a sorcery knight?"
The match Lei Di Ya immediately comes to spirit, big interested inly ask a way, the eastern meteor smiles a way:"Warrior, sword private and knight etc. near war occupation while doing not use weapon red hand hand to hand fight, actually still have slight difference of, fighting an experienced person even can pass simple on recording to keep a boxing to judge his true occupation of, although that Carter didn't use what boxing, similar to me however is to use the most basic action just, but he at attack of the time was full of a kind of vehemence for pressing forward with indomitable willing, the slightest didn't consider the protection of oneself and humed, this kind of fight habit probably only wear heavy A don't need to consider oneself defense of knight's ability have, change to do a warrior or is a sword private all definitely will at pay no attention instinct of stay defense or is the leeway for evading confrontation with of, anyway I isn't so very silly and the enemy is hard to put together."
"As for he also use sorcery, then completely was my to guess, this Carter's artistic skill was so good, but body top but have no obvious muscle, if he is a pure knight this is obviously not reasonable, know Ao orchid's comparing the knight's request to the physical endowment of second world is also very strict, those pure knights at least have to also have a strong muscle, so I predict a Carter will ast least use a few assistance sorceries with the fighting strength that strengthens an oneself, as for he is actually a sorcery the knight still keep fighting a song knight(the knight who can use to fight sorcery, the red-blooded knight turns a job but become, similar to the red-blooded knight only then the nobility can assume office), that be not I can know of."
The United States gleams to respect and admire in the eyes with adore of ray of light, the match Lei Di Ya is last but it happened that to take issue in the mouth:"That also probably is rebind A warrior, not is say that the battle armor that the battle armor that rebind A warrior compares a knight is also bad not how many?"
The eastern meteor smiles on her cerebellum bag knock for a while, way:"This is what rubbish, rebind A warrior Be existed to the troops can take place just in the large-scale combat with large mercenary soldier troops function, develop of the root is the effect of meat shield, you see that Carter's brothers is like a to need muscular of rebind A warrior?Don't even say that he still had an under charge, his identity affirmation isn't and usually."
"However, no matter Carter's real identity actually how, he after all are still friendly to us of, even have with the meaning that we become friends with, so as long as he not ask for us on his own initiative, also not be taking care of him."
Eyes of the east meteor inside just like combustion have two regiment flaming flame, just arrived at human life to meet a so interesting affair, is really very interesting, interesting.

The second gathers chapter 3 conflict
Renew time:2008-5-610:54:12 chapter word numbers:7559

When dawn a sunlight once wore a window to project light upon into a room inside in the morning, lay on the eastern meteor on the bed to open eyes right away, he had already become accustomed to rise early, actually with his current physical endowment condition, although the way that still needs to sleep to carry on a rest, generally 23 sleep of hours are already all right already to him.
This still the eastern meteor take a rest on the so comfortable bed for the first time, formely on the time in home town slept of is all very hard plank bed, also usually the not in power outside passed night in the open, where peter last now, hotel owner for trying to please his this big customer still idea especially on the big bed mat valuable velvet woolen blanket,beats by dre solo, lie on the top nature is particularly comfortable.
However, the eastern meteor didn't reluctant to part with this comfortable bed, he one turned over a body and then stooded from the bed, the blanket downfall on the body's appearing his that strong and healthy pole muscle generally was full of the beautiful body of male strength, spread all over body just like the strong and tough steel everywhere various scar formation of each kind more is beautiful this kind of strength again increased several cents of untamed nature magic power, although with his current physical endowment, again heavy of the injury can resume and don't stay scar formation by oneself as well,the wound suffered from left before here of scar formation is can not expunction, not only is him, the diffused prairie is actually also the wound Ba of whole body, all of member's great majorities of their household is so.
The so-called superior advertises for the war"the body has no the least bit scar" from cradle to the grave, that is just absurd exaggeration, real superior none be not after the baptism and test of blood and fire, whet to do out from the edge of life and death of, the superior of those so-called"body have no the least bit scar" is only the blossom in a group of glasshouse, the frog in water well just, this kind of"superior" who toughens on the training field at truely strong the in front is only a group of clowns.
BE just preparing to wear clothes, east meteor of before the body suddenly the Qian copy one Shan, but is a star the shadow is waked up with a start by his action, also ignore oneself now is what status, instinct of blunt the Lue arrived the in front of young master.
In spite of eastern meteor how orderany, the star shadow insists on to want with him in a room, and in the room of lead way up sleep on the floor, the eastern meteor really finds no way out with this obstinate Ni son and also has to from her, at this time star the shadow is got up by him of voice wake up with a start, utterly loyal of she borders on right away instinct of start to hurtle to east meteor of nearby.
The eastern meteor is a bit foolish to live, because appear the picture that he is in the moment and really a matchless beauty, don't think and then hurtle and come over more of the star copy and wear a very small shorts and tightly stick on of Jiao Qu callous underwear, whole body top and bottom overwhelming majority of the skin and fine shape all immediately make a show of at the in front of east meteor, and she also discovers her own embarrassed status right away, the powder face signs abashed red fire, even the ice muscle of the whole body snow white skins were all suffused with to appear beautiful pink, but although she is extreme awkward and shy, however but don't cover up own fine Jiao Qu, can be enjoyed the beauty fully by eastern meteor.
In her cognition, oneself has already been the woman of young master, own all of everythings are to belong to young master, can draw on the vision of east meteor, this oneself is her own pride!
Say the true, their two people the appearance at this time's looking is really very of ambiguity, the 2 people almost naked body is almost together about to get in touch with, eastern meteor that very hot breathing sprays the powder face that copies in the star up, immediately make her tender heart a burst of jump wildly, cannot help but being about to groan to make a noise.
The star copies that almost naked Jiao Qu really pretty big to the impact of east meteor of, this after all still he saw a female for the first time of naked, and still so beautiful of almost a perfect female Jiao Qu, this for is being placed in puberty of his mind pounded at of mightiness from saw to be imaginable of, particularly was a star shadow of the gentleman picks of winsome is a more captivating pole, change side the person's words, perhaps and early already cannot help but rushing toward top Related articles:

