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….To, thou man Man when I am nearby, how always have never brought up you?"
"You of the commander-in-chief, my father at that time although in order to found a nation a hero, is fair and just, gave offense to many people, for keep intact a history ascend one vein, I and twin the elder brother was born behind be handed over a road gram Si Pope brought up, previously term Pope's accident is after dying in an accident was reached Pope by the Ji continue bring up, and have been staying in the Ji reached Pope's his majesty, until Pope's his majesty just tell me recently and elder brother's true state of matter, and taught a life to resume me with the elder brother's household surname.In fact I have never seen a father as well and all have no impression to the father and the motherses, are what Pope's his majesties tell to all of everythings known by household."
"Build up new empire soon yes, thou man Man and road gram Si Pope died in an accident at the same time!See to thou man Man early have been already prepared, finally ascend household for history to leave to inherit, like, like stem, don't give ancient man Man shameful, the comfortable second lieutenant general and your father is a good friend, is also the south war preparedness area in, only left and the general of your same father, have what matter seek comfortable second lieutenant general to help to arrange all right, it is late, start on journey to return to love Lai galaxy together!"
Love Lai galaxy one planet-Lai starfish large Hui Si especially warship lake harbor inside, several thousand new L type interstellar battleship, just and quietly park in the berth, the L type interstellar battleship is that the data of"creator" is excellent to turn center modern for the sake of the orientation, interstellar war but reformation of, the whole warship body grows 53.85 kilometers, the biggest warship body diameter is 7354.2 meters, present the sea whale shuttle type, front Ji, list warship bridge, with previous of'Hague'the series fight row warship of the double the Xian double warship bridge design totally different, completely is use the speed and the landing operation as a design of foundation principle;
Is two new giant proton cannon the cent list on a warship head under, warship body symmetry outside in the central part hangs SQI type Gao Neng H of four 3 meters in the door calibers to shoot line cannon, can carry on an all-directions attack in the 3D direction;Each warship equipment carries small scaled air fort machine of 200 SA-6s that equip six small caliber proton cannon soldier, can carry on an escort attack to the small scaled battleplane;
Warship tail's assembling the exportation power of three biggest sets is the grain son of 6,483,000 cloth card units to jet a machine, the biggest sail soon 4800 kilometers/ per second, the super velocity of light pushes forward the biggest continuous sail distance 11300 light years.
Full member can carry 733 warship ship operations personnel and 9,600 brawl types machine soldier, and 300 chariot type machine soldier.
The naval base conductor controls the indoor and rest the eldest son-Di Ao major general of Lun commander-in-chief accompany to lead to unite a fleet, just arrived Luo's benefit of Lai starfish ·Bach commander-in-chief with virtuous pulled Man ·card commander-in-chief, together waited for rest Lun commander-in-chief return a sail, part and two bit handsome chat simultaneously tightly stared at an information to hold, rested the fleet of Lun commander-in-chief, at light act up show bouncing of the light ordered, connect become straight line, just and quickly approached Lai starfish, fleet average sail soon 600 kilometers/ per second, be apart from, there are also 150,000 kilometers, time, also could not have for three minutes.
"Hui Si especially the base control tower is the interstellar shuttle"Clark" here and have already arrived the Lai starfish DZ10 areases, the transmission goes through a password now, please clean up passage quickly."
Finally, rest Lun commander-in-chief at 12'Hague'the war row warship of the escort bottom embarked interstellar shuttle to return.
"Clark, the traffic control tower has already confirmed to go through a password, the passage has already cleaned up to complete, the passage hatch has been already opened, the control tower starts navigating for fleet and please all the warship ship choose auto driver.Is another, please you to the gift commander-in-chief:Welcome back!"
The information holds to continue to show:
'Clark'number interstellar the shuttle anchor the express line A-1;
With go to fight row warship is got into the F45 Cang R1-12 by the No.3 passage.
"Like, Luo benefit commander-in-chief, Di Ao, let's descend to connect to rest Lun commander-in-chief together!I didn't see old commander-in-chief one noodles for a long time for a long time and had already really can't waited for."Be rest Lun commander-in-chief one-time old subordinate, virtuous pull Man commander-in-chief of heart in have been all really respecting to rest Lun commander-in-chief, rare of once meet, also can not consider of an etiquette of pay attention to, simply want to pull Di Ao to go and give a welcome party for resting Lun commander-in-chief together, which afraid here am the site that rests Lun commander-in-chief.
"The commander-in-chief that is virtuous to pull Man, whether you want to clap our empire Ma Pi of the first commander-in-chief?Ha ha!Don't forget, you are also a commander-in-chief!"
Come from the Ji reach the benefit commander-in-chief of Luo of Pope's faction, is no longer to so emphasize and respect to the resting of dead silent hundreds of years Lun commander-in-chief, suggest to oppose clearly in the words virtuous pull Man of the proposal of commander-in-chief, turn this proposal to rise to a sensitive but again embarrassed layer.
Control to maneuver the benefit commander-in-chief of Luo of thing nine greatest galaxies according to the current situation, regardless in the influence, is still that real strenght's ascending all have already been overridden to another two bits handsome on, and still is very reached by Ji Pope entrust, therefore, the Luo benefit commander-in-chief is spoken of words to have no to have scruples about,www.cheapbeatsbydrdreheadset.net, let present persons all feel too bureaucrat.
Although Fen Fen in heart, the Di Ao be done not wish as well this kind of small matter ascending has got to meaninglessly bother for the father and smile to respond to virtuous pull Man of commander-in-chief, say:"The commander-in-chief that is virtuous to pull Man, the father is only handsome to usually and similarly come back just, don't dare to disturb two bit handsome your good self, you or take a rest in the V.I.P room with Luo benefit commander-in-chief, I connect a handsome empress of father a cake of to come over good."
"That doesn't go, other people go to not go to I beyond the power to care, I is certain."Is virtuous the side pulling Man commander-in-chief to say that the side pulls the major general of Di Ao to go toward to outside walk and still keeps urging in mouth:"Hurried, boy, otherwise late ordered ……"
The major general of Di Ao sees Ao also however is virtuous to pull Man of commander-in-chief, have to side to turn head and say towards after death standing having no the Luo benefit commander-in-chief moving:"Is sorry!Luo benefit commander-in-chief, had to ask you to arrive V.I.P room first to take a rest a short moment, wait the officer after answering father handsome accompany you again to visit Lai starfish together ……"
"Boy, young but also the Te Be getting more bothersome, how the heel Niangs are a kind."Is virtuous the commander-in-chief pulling Man don't wait the major general of Di Ao to finish saying and then condemn, the fierce honest temper signs violent wind come out, make the major general of Di Ao have to return again overdo cope with a this place-
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Chapter 167 three generalissimos 2

Looking at Ji two people with very slanting Ji, push mulberry to disappear outside the door, the Luo benefit commander-in-chief humed chillily a , flash across of the face of liquid metal one silk doesn't easily realize of complicated facial expression.
Is exactly a birds of a feather flock together probably, one dynasty Emperor is one courtier, new of Pope is after, the New appointees being in use all belong to heavy power and influence, speak a benefits and talk about ostentatious, talk resume and flatter to flatter, pull to pay attention to a bureaucratic person for knot party etc., among them particularly with Luo benefit commander-in-chief for the representative's force will, and with Luo Long Han De Du Wei for the representative's civilian post for head.
These 2 people at very short rely on Ji to reach letter and support of spoiling of Pope in more than 400 years, constantly acquire Jue to rise, until one person under myriad people on, become four one of the tycoonses, also founded into old empire more than 3,000 year the new river-military power of the history difference from three bit handsome holding, each the area with each war preparedness, even the Luo Long Han De the emperors controled by Du Weis all neighborhood, also have up to four more galaxies of district, form new strategic system alone.
The whole empire, 58% troops, 72% districts all control benefit commander-in-chief and Luo Long Han De is at Luo Du Wei hand in, if isn't virtuous to pull Man commander-in-chief soldier achievement He He, rest Lun commander-in-chief sainted, afraiding of the situation will incline toward a close emperor more to fasten.Reach a Pope's eyes in the Ji in, rest Lun commander-in-chief and virtuous the commander-in-chief pulling Man Be just in the interval to connect to control Luo benefit commander-in-chief and Luo Long Han De the pawn of the Du Wei.
Especially the Hui Si harbor in the military lake is divided into inside, in, outside, the outer circle is port passage and defense fort, in the center of the buffer zone is a cabin Related articles:

