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An essential good medicine."That way of his works properly the sign"fly frost in June" also already sell go to, but he didn't adopt the way that the Jing claps, but the adoption come to the principle arrived behind first, the reason is this kind of thing not is very good, there is no necessity so dry, anyway profits also not big.
The www.feiku.com releases"mine."A voice rang when Long Xin Yuan's voice just fell:"This is what my heel cloud English speaks like, he promises I will prepare for me a , this is mine."The person who talks is exactly the elder of recluse way to infatuate with.He listenned to the villa that the words of cloud English take their own pupils and prepared some best gifts, but didn't can get into cloud English, white feather, Venus, gold Cape and water month, breeze bell and fire cloud Be whichever to isn't all simple opponent.Just in this time he meet a few pupils, just know this what dragon prop's store want to open right away, can he didn't thought of to will have so many people, the price of thing is so expensive.
The www.feiku.com releases a Pei dollar once the Dan come out, he is also a lot of beyond the power to care, start yelling right away, want to buy down, but the in the mind is still a bit hesitant, whether oneself has this financial power.
The www.feiku.com releases Long Xin Yuan to shake head a way:"Teacher in the house promises an opportunity to you, now be, as long as you can clap in the Jing in win, this Dan was yours."
The www.feiku.com releases to infatuate with to shake head a way right away:"Cloud English this is playing me,www.beats4monster.co.uk, clearly say good of, why wanted to become Jing to clap again, this is that he gives my reply?Have no me, you aren't similar will be so dry.Humiliate my[one] bad old headman with no money."The open and recluse way elder incredibly and in public calls oneself as bad old headman, really already very remarkable.
The www.feiku.com releases Han Feng to smile a way:"The pottery elder this sentence didn't preach to manage very much, teacher in the house had never promised to send to give you a Pei a dollar Dan, the saying give you 1 to reply today and let you work well preparation.Originally we didn't have superfluous Pei dollar Dan to provide sale of, teacher in the house oneself leave to make often it need of the spare Pei dollar Dan takes out to put to appear on stage noodles and also was regarded as very not easy.You how still want?Does the world over have free lunch?Not the Lao has never got this sentence to believe that everyone also all knows.Although these thing mostly teacher despise in the house in use of, equally included many of his strenuous efforts.Even if is the repair that is a little, you can not not leave some thing, either."
The www.feiku.com releases to infatuate with a point to nod a way:"Although what you said really wants to also have some truth,I am a poor old headman, hope that your price isn't too high, otherwise I really undertakes not to rise."
The www.feiku.com releases Long Xin Yuan's point to nod a way:"Is absolutely all right, 500,001, 100 grass mis spread Pei dollar Dan and start Jing clapping now."
The www.feiku.com releases"10,000 piece!"Infatuate with immediately a beginning loudly of yell a way:"Who all not ability heel I this bad old headman contend for, otherwise I have been tying up you until be willing to hand over to me the Pei dollar Dan."He so the skill of loafer let the surroundings know his person of same belief a bit ashamed, but Pei dollar the temptation of the Dan isn't really small, particularly is for they those powers aren't very high persons to come to to say.
The www.feiku.com releases a Han Feng upset way:"Pottery elder, if you don't think that the Jing claps honesty of foolish at part don't want to talk, no one regards as the dummy to you.We are to open the door to do business, not is to give the gruel rice benefit a life time to save a people, if you again so, we are really difficult to do."
The www.feiku.com releases Long Xin Yuan to nod to mean to agree with a way:"500,000 minimum prices can continuously and upwards increase, if don't would like to purchase, or unmanned have ability to purchase this time, so the merchandise now forget about it, we immediately after see next."Saying will lay by Pei dollar Dan.
The www.feiku.com releases"500,000, I, I wanted."A way pupil in the door tooks a look to infatuate with very careful Zhang Kou's beginning to purchase.
The www.feiku.com releases the wry smile of infatuating with the full face, oneself really isn't a rich lord, have already no longer paid attention to these things after fix a way, can have never thought a turning point unexpectedly because of the opportunity to make oneself lose a pupil power that quickly promote a he or she baby.The full face seen infatuate with wry smile, those person of same beliefs know that he has already had some to give up, several individuals start formal Jing clapping.
The www.feiku.com releases"510,000.""550,000.""580,000."
The www.feiku.com releases a sudden a voice rang to get up, the position closed to Long Xin Yuan very much, "800,000."All visions threw in the past, what to talk was a white text to believe in, white surname group of old total, there are some insignificant spiritual influences on the body, too, so the thing also pretty suited to him.
The www.feiku.com releases Long Xin Yuan some don't understand, the white text believes in and cloud English but good friend, if he opens mouth to cloud English and estimate cloud English can't refuse, he why want to take part in here what doesn't matter of Jing clap?Infatuate with to also have some to don't understand of looking at a white text to believe in, 800,000 prices have already been regarded as very high, particularly almost have no several individuals are preparation of very ample.
The www.feiku.com releases a set bottom the one is silent, Long Xin Yuan inquired 2 times to quickly hand over this to also answer, the Pei dollar Dan arrived a white text to believe in in the hand, and he slowly stands down a set to go to and arrives to infatuate with to nearby smile a way:"This tablet is regarded as a text religion send to the pottery elder of meet a gift, hope that the pottery elder can arrive my give up small stay for several days."
The www.feiku.com released to infatuate with to see with half an eye and ordered a way:"H'm, on your body some spiritual influences, all right, see on the of this Dan, I is your house to have several days rice."The white text believes in exultation and sent the Pei dollar Dan to infatuate with to hand over to need an under charge to take to infatuate with to leave, this old man is uninterested general magic weapon, and he doesn't think that what too good magic weapon cloud English can have to make everyone sell here.But after he leaves, listen to the white text believe in the circumstance after say 1 time just know how much thing oneself missed.
The www.feiku.com releases"the fourth magic weapon is one handle a double-edged sword, how say, don't be regarded as good sword as well, only material a little bit seldom just."Long Xin Yuan takes out one four Chinese foot lances of chasings, dark have no to only can not see clearly to have what special place, and up seem to didn't existence of the spiritual influence, this is to make the owner interrogative.Sword body Hun the thick thou is plain, there are no a lot of adornments of flower Shaos, open blade and didn't open blade almost don't distinguish, it is a handle to pare iron to can not see clearly like a double-edged sword of mire.
The www.feiku.com releases"this, this is the Xuan iron castings of, and is black fire Xuan iron sword of fire attribute."The such as devotion is calm a rock of surface, sudden a person of voice arose the reaction of owner, what to talk was a 78-year-old man, the bushy beard of full face, eyes Zheng get iron circle, looking at that handle sword a blink or not.
The www.feiku.com releases"Yi, there is incredibly also an expert, see to teacher in the house really despise way door middleman.He says that will we have no bringing back of Sun to intact this handle sword, since someone knows goods that does so much many.Black fire Xuan iron sword, 1,000,000 minimum prices, the beginning unexpectedly claps now!"Long Xin Yuan didn't describe the any attribute and advantage of handle sword, but but from his offer can see out, its ratio just those things are getting more precious.
The www.feiku.com releases every where an inside the one is silent, no one responds to, because there is almost no real use that several individuals know this handle sword, a very quick young man silently the inquiry way of voice:"Elder generation Liu, this handle sword is true of this Related articles:

