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Book 14 fishing suns stir up chapter 603 to withdraw troops river east
Li Qing An is to just know three days later mutually the news of state fall, at this time he already no longer Luo sun, and Chang-an also take place an important event as for on the way that be Chang-an returning, right mutually the Pei Zun celebrate to meet sting to die, the murderer is afraid of punishment to commit suicide, backstage instigator isn't clear.
The accident that the Pei Zun celebrates dies to make the imperial government sink into disorder and also disrupted Li Qing An's political situation to deploy, he has to rush through back to Chang-an handle domestic affairs.
At night, a line of building that stop night at the Xia state west station Yi of Li Qing An, this time rush through a time Chang-an, he didn't take jade bracelet, but left her at Luo sun.
The light is soft, fill the air a light sandalwood in room, Li Qing sits idly to speed the pen before table, but stop a deep in thought, but tiny sigh, if say distance a long distance at Anne west and he is deadly foe, but at the moment, they of all at enmity withs went up in smoke with the dead of the distance a long distance, Li Qing has peace of mind the high regard that leave to the martyr in.
He wants ascend book imperial government, give this defends with a last-ditch attempt mutually cantonal big loyal minister Tang with enough and after death honor, do obeisance too Wei, grant You state mostly Du, there is also Tang Jun to die in battle, he also wants to give them to equally comfort the bereaved with Anne's west.
Li Qing An was also equally full of a regret, though he has already seen the strategic scheme of the Lu mountain of Anne and sends out a warning to Guo Zi Yi and the distance a long distance again and again, even with the sky*[www.shukuai.com]*Www.shukuai.com*[www.shukuai.com]*descend the name of troops and horses generalissimo issues order to them, they always don't adopt, with silent come to in response to oneself.
Certainly, Li Qing An knows for transfering more Hebei people, Guo Zi Yi says from the righteous, he does like this not scandalous, but join the army a matter up, this is undoubtedly a not very wise way of doing, white the white lost 50,000 crack don't say, also make Shuo square the soldier sink into strategy passive, at present, Guo Zi Yi's 150,000 battalions are all dragged along in Hebei, river east empty, only several ten thousand just turned into regular army of people regiment soldier, the troops Lei is weak, now Anne a troops of the Lu mountain already the Chui gets into river from the Fu east"keep shot too at first, once falling at first too much, Guo Zi Yi's back route is broken, he very possible whole army is routed.
Li Qing An starts to slowly walk to before the window, pushed away a window, window outside satisfied in succession snow heavy snow, the earth is diffused, in the whole world is already a snow-white one, very complicated in the his eyes, heart deep place, he also hopes that Guo Zi Yi's soldier suffers fiasco unclearly"lend Anne the Lu mountain of remove the only military opponent in his party in government, but on the other hand, he doesn't hope that Tang Jun cruelly massacres and becomes political sacrifice article again.
Is exactly this kind of suffer from suffer from losing of the complicated mental state make him cannot help but to several times remind that Guo Zi Yi gets around risk, he worries to fall at first too much again"have already urgently made cloud states all Du thunder ten thousand state district magistrate Xin Yun Jing led 20,000 soldiers urgently and left for too at first and robbed before Li Gui Ren's soldier and occupied too at first.
Li Qing An sighed tone, only wish Guo Zi Yi can send back river in time after receiving mutually the news of state fall east, otherwise the result is difficult to anticipate.
At this time, he suddenly hears the room unauthorized biography come to urgent step voice, not from surprisedly turn head, considers as an outsider noodles to have the close soldier hasty report:"Great commander soldier" Heng state urgent intelligence report."
"Come in to say!"
Li Qing An's heart hanged a while, what matter did the Heng state take place again?
A close soldier comes in, the list knee kneels down a way:"Aviso in Hebei, Guo Zi Yi is really settling greatly and hurting a history to think clearly, cuts more than 40,000 persons of enemy, history's thinking a clear soldier has already withdrawn in defeat to settle state Tang Chang Xuan" Guo Zi Yi battalion title the tail make track for shot and have already led a limitless county."
"!"Li Qing An ate a surprised, he walks in quick time to in the table, brushed ground to launch map, Tang Chang Xuan is apart from to really settle 300 inside or so, and the limitless county be certainly apart from to really also have 250 at least inside, Li Qing An not from secretly complain of hard lot, this by all means is a history and thinks have already known a Li Gui Ren soldier clearly the news of the east is into the river and pretend to hurt the u enemy of y ò and lead Guo Zi Yi's battalion thorough, once his another parties troops rounds Zhao Zhou into really settle, block the back route of breaking Guo Zi Yi, calculate Guo Zi Yi's soldier guard pass in the soil door also useless, break his back route, Anne Lu mountain battalion again go up north, Guo Zi Yi very may whole army is routed.
Thought of this, Li Qing An issues order a way:"Urgent herald Li Guang Bi, the battalion gets into Hebei, must drag along Anne Lu mountain battalion."
He makes a way again:"Immediately fly a pigeon to spread book Guo Zi Yi, life he right away withdraws river east!"
The battle of the Heng state was one 70% discount of b ō , full of uncanny and strangely fits, Li Qing An had never guessed at 1:00 rightness, Guo Zi Yi's greatly hurting a history and thinking isn't a history and think and pretend and hurt clearly clearly, but Guo Zi Yi snow the night send army and beat a history to think clearly a caught unprepared, the history thinks a clear soldier and suffers utter defeat, is killed, trample on each other, the death and harm is more than 40,000 persons, throw Kui and unload AN all the way, the tent food more and all throws , the history thinks clearly had been withdrawing in defeat till settle the state just tidy up and destroy a soldier.
But Guo Zi Yi's battalion after catching up with certainly the state limitless county then no longer chase, his food for powder is too exhausted, have to well take a rest, so as to continue to take the offensive a history to think to increase to stir troops clearly.
Is a night, the battalion of Guo Zi Yi into halt limitless county city, experienced a days and one nights of combat, the food for powders all had been utterly exhausted and fell on the ground and then fallen asleep, the one is silent on all sides, several hundred sentinels come up a time to patrol in the city head, but Guo Zi Yi is hard to fallen asleep, carry to arrive at city of head on, hope a deeply night s è, he sinks into to contemplate in.
Mutually the state dragged along 300,000 main battalions of the Lu mountain of Annes, this gives him the battle in the north opportunity to bring, this time the history thinks a clear department to suffer utter defeat, Li Huai Xian's department necessarily divides soldier to increase to aid, he nominally hugs a soldier plentiful ten thousand guard You state, Guo Zi Yi knows, actually only 60,000 soldiers, and he still needs to guard You state, the troops who increase to aid are by all means not too many, at the right moment give him a to eat up, finally keep shot Anne Lu mountain old nest, break its food grass, falter his root, Anne Lu mountain will have to from mutually the state withdraw troops.
This is Guo Zi Yi's strategy, he knows Cai Xi De's 100,000 soldiers to take down mutually state, Anne Lu mountain inevitable the heavy soldier goes down south, such a mutually the state then can lead long to make the big parts of troops of the Lu mountain of Anne, but his main force the well Chui then goes into Hebei and beat him in Hebei is the whole world upside down now.
Should say, Guo Zi Yi's strategy also has no problem, now key that time, who can rob by that time, who controled war of active.
A burst of rapid clop waked up with a start Guo Zi Yi from contemplate, he stretched forward to hope to go to the city bottom, saw 2 rode a soldier a front an after, toward the city gate this place disease rush since then, this is send letter of ride a soldier.
" What matter?"
Guo Zi Yi loudly asks a way, in the night s è, he sees these 2 ride soldier's facial expression all agitated however, living far from good feeling in the heart.
The riding of front soldier reports first to report:"Old general, mutually state news, Anne Lu mountain battalion already offend to break state mutually, 50,000 guard a soldier to fall in action greater half, the distance general suicide dies.", Distance a long distance ……", Guo Zi Yi painfully shut last eyes, he congeals mind and asks a way:"Still have what?"
"There is also river east news, the department of Li Gui Ren at too the valley County defeated too to stay 30,000 soldiers of guarding Wang Cheng Ye at first, 60,000 thief soldier just to too original military advance!"
If say mutually the state fall lets what Guo Zi Yi felt is a kind of painful, that rebellious troops Li Gui Ren's department has already killed into too original, let what him felt is 1 kind Be getting more shocked.
Guo Zi Yi once thought as well mutually the state fell of may"if mutually the state fall, he will immediately send back river east, but he has never thoughted of Anne Lu mountain true cent the soldier take the offensive river east, Li Qing An's warning unfortunately becomes really.
Guo Zi Yi has a kind of fail by a small margin of painful"want ~only again give he two, he can turn round war situation.
At this time, and then a report letter's the soldier dashes away but goes to from the distance and from afar yells:"Old general, the important event is far from good!"
"Son happen again what matter?"
"Anne celebrates a clue department to suddenly kill a time and has already killed the city county of Zhao Zhou Luan now, is led by the Yan district magistrate 2,000 people the regiment go down south to hold up" circumstance is urgent, the old general soon backs!"
A connect three disadvantageous newses to make Guo Zi Yi face s the è greatly change, particularly is Anne who has already gone down south to celebrate a clue department to suddenly kill a time, have already arrived to be apart from pass in the soil door shortage 100 inside of Luan city county, he again don't withdraw, the back route will be broken, once the back route is broken, Anne Lu mountain the battalion go up north, he will have the danger of whole army is routed.
Guo Zi Yi is forced helpless, have to issue order a way:"The order that spreads me, the whole army immediately withdraws."
Guo Zi Yi's battalion is forced to withdraw, and meanwhile, withdrew in defeat Tang Chang Xuan's history to think to also get clearly emollient increase to aid, the life department of Li Huai Xian guards Li Bao Zhong You state city, he in person lead 40,000 You state the cavalry arrived to certainly state, the history thinks to immediately restructure a troops and horses clearly and match with Li Huai Xian crack anti- rush toward Guo Zi Yi's soldier, at limitless county east, Yan soldier a war defeated Guo Zi Yi of 20,000 after soldier, great commander Li Guo Liang be thought clear arrows by the history to shoot to harm a left eye, wound west to escape.
Li Huai Xian leads 40,000 You state cavalry all the way the disease make track for and caught up in nine counties right soldier great commander Wei Bo Yu Bu, two soldier j ī wars"Wei Bo Yu Bu not enemy You state cavalry, Tang Jun suffers utter defeat.
Meanwhile, the Luan city county also spread disadvantageous news, the Yan Gao Qing leads 2,000 people regiment at resisted Anne to celebrate a clue 20,000 after a day, the battalions' county city is offended to break"Jiang Xiao Tong, Ma Jun die war but Wu, Yan Gao Qing and its son Yan the quarter is clear, long history Yuan Lyu Qian etc. ten several people be captured unyielding, be celebrated cruel Nue of clue by Anne to kill, Anne celebrates a clue rate the soldier drive straight, the back route is urgent.
At this time mutually state fall, river east the soldier hurt, back route drive Anne celebrate the clue has already got about Tang Jun the news breaking, non-commissioned officer Tang annoys lowly, the body is exhausted, plus Li Huai Xian 40,000 making track for of You state cavalries shot, the situation is extremely disadvantageous to Guo Zi Yi, his troops see the juncture of the life and death alive or dead.
The northern barracks of the You state city outside, here have more than 200s huge warehouse, is Anne Lu mountain hoard food grass of important precincts, Anne 40,000 the crackest You of the Lu mountain the state cavalry also station here, at the same time also from 40,000 You state cavalry to defend a food grass warehouse.
The food Cang covers amplitude, is surrounded by the huge camp grid, is divided into thing two parts, the east noodles food Cang, west the grass database of the noodles is at ordinary times day and night patroled by 40,000 cavalries, guard abnormality severe, the Anne Lu mountain has never taken You state this time the cavalry goes down south of main reason be worried that the food grass has been already lost.
But Guo Zi Yi greatly hurts a history to think a clear department in the Heng state,makes cantonal defense of You appear brief confusion, positive like Guo Zi Yi's intelligence report, Li Huai Xian's You state stations soldiers really only 60,000 people, shortage 100,000, the reason is two about 40,000 people's contract Dans the soldier and Xi soldier send away under guard a great deal of Hebei results in battle to return to Rao joy and loose Mo, in fact, You state of garrison forces leave 50,000, and the volunteer army that 10,000 troops are destroyed completely a county by the parties of Li Huai Xian didn't return.
But the history thinks a clear soldier to hurt to make Li Huai Xian has to send army to help each other, otherwise, the history thinks clear whole army is routed, his You state also not definitely protects live, Li Huai Xian on the other hand sends the person urges the troops of way county immediately return, on the other hand he life confident department Li Bao Zhong's rate 10,000 soldiers guard You state, he then takes 40,000 by himself You state the cavalry urgently leave for to settle a state support a history to think clearly.
So big You state leaves 10,000 soldiers guard, Li Huai Xian wants to then return for few days and there is no Tang Jun in You states neighborhood and besides still have the troops of way county just on the way to return, 10,000 troops should be able to cope with last several dayses.
10,000 troops, 5,000 people guard You state city, 2,000 people distribute each military important precincts, the troops is hard up for cash, but covers ten several insides, originally from 40,000 You state cavalry to garrison of food grass the warehouse then leave 3,000 people to garrison, 3,000 people was already the extreme limit that can provide troops.
3,000 people is again divided into two parts, 2,000 among those people guard food Cang, another 1,000 people guard a hay database, and they is divided into 2 classes and day and night patrol.
But no matter how they devote, but still can not block up to hugely defend loophole, the grass tenon database totally has 84 warehouses, the hoard hay is about 6,000,000 loads, 400,000 sources of lives that fight a horse of the Lu mountain of Anne.
Greatly hurt Wei in nine counties at Li Huai Xian Bo Yu of at the mid-night on that day, have already incubated ten days of quarter to win to wait 22 Tang Jun's patrols to start out "speaking of to also have a little is unimaginable, the quarter wins to wait a current identity of person is garrison the Shu fortress of Lu Si Tai of guard a soldier, the Shu fortress of Lu Si Tai originally possessed 30 Shu soldiers, is won by the quarter to wait person kills after" in the You state they shake once the body change and become Anne Lu mountain glorious Yan soldier within old nest.
Li Qing An hands over to the quarter the important task for winning be burn down the hay database of the Lu mountain of Anne, they always in the opportunity to wait for, godsend, 40,000 cavalries left You state, their opportunities came.
Basically need not any disguise, they wear a Yan soldier helmet"have the legal waist card of Yan soldier, they the swagger ground arrived at You state city, all the way after a few Shaos of investigate and search, all travel everywhere without restriction, "receive general Lee's life" increases to aid food grass a database to take precautions against!"
Reason light the noodles is stately, and then is a legal Lu Si Tai Shu fortress to guard a soldier, Shao can not also make a phone call to confirm inside the city like future generations, they are all the way without obstruction.
Two more cent, the quarter wins a line of arrived at You state city north of the hay database , at this time, cover about ten inside of the hay warehouses only have more than 500 soldiers' guard"more than 400 Shao towers in the camp grid, have 200 no ones at least, so of defend is already that the form is together nominal.
The dark shadow is one Shan, left for to check the small exploring to be like a barn swallow sort to dash away but return, the quarter wins to wait person to hide at be apart from a hay database about 100 outside of in the one forest, the quarter won to hurriedly face up""how?
Is small to thank one Pie mouth way:"Quarter head, you think Be getting tooer many, those more than ten Shao towers ascend a root unmanned, directly go in and then walk."
The quarter wins exultation, to little Xie Dao:"You leave to watch horse!"
Is small to thank one Leng""do I leave?Why?"
"Have no why, this is my order!You dare not does the Zun make?"
"I knew huming!"
The small is helpless"have to she makes a grimace toward the dynasty of the eldest brothers turned over a cold stare and fumingly guarded in the forest.
The quarter wins one hand of putting"20 brotherses,such as arrows, generally hurtled to go out and once turned over like ape no man watches of palisades,beats by dre studio hd, public get together again.
"Everybody is responsible for a warehouse, if burn more as far as possible probably, quarter after is here remitting to match, remember, our 21 people came in, have to 21 people leave!"
Is public and spread go to, the cat waist follows disease in the warehouse to rush, all of them are the patrols of extremely old ways, is choose in the first patrol camp of 20 the crackest, each person can only block one side, a short moment, they then sneaked in the warehouse that a fills up hay.
Quarter's winning into is a No.54th warehouse, this is the biggest 1 in warehouses, have the hay 200,000 loads, each warehouse has two well-known scholar the soldier watch, this time, they chase front door a pass, then drill into to go to bed in the comfortably warm hay heap.But the quarter wins of luck not good, he the Qian just entered a hay database,heard two soldiers being talking.
"Five Langs still have on your body how much , can lend me 1:00."
"Complete nonsense, last time hasn't your lending my two Guan money returned!I have no money to you."
"Do not being getting more stingy of his Niang, my these two days' luck is definitely just prosperous, can turn over an origin, I tomorrow take you to seek my to fond of each other and compensate you for a while and lend me consistent money first, !"
"Tomorrow saw the woman saying again!You that kind of taste, I dare not sing praises."
The quarter wins hesitant for a while, this warehouse very big, imitate Buddha a palace, he arrives another head of go to also no harm, but he wanted to think, or decided to polish off these 2s to defend, Hua"in the grass Duo spread a difference ring.
"Feed!BE what voice?"
"Who know, rat!"
"The rat should talk in the food Cang there and see, perhaps is a light body beauty, Hey Hey!"
"Have big dream of the spring autumn of your Niang, the light body beauty snake still about, I go to lo lo!"Do not dare to light fire lighting, a guard m ō is black to come over, walked around more than ten step, have nothing at all, he scolds, seek a corner to withdraw urine, turn round a split second at him, the quarter wins a lightning flash sort to rush toward up, the Wu lived his mouth, a knife cut off his throat.
Defend soft fall flop, another guard asks a way:"What affair?"
The quarter wins to continue Hua Hua to withdraw urine, that person scolds a way:"Your boy not is the ability a little bit farer to withdraw urine?Want to fume to kill Lao Tze!"
The quarter wins m ō black walk to return to grass of heap, see the one person's back toward him, already at start beating to shout.
The quarter wins to lie down, the Wu lives his mouth, a knife Tong goes into his empress heart ……
, Mao"one regiment flame appeared at him, he didn't hestitate ground to spark a grass heap, the grass heap starts quick combustion, send out the voice of the Mao Mao Pa Pa ring, wait grass heap to boil about square circle ten Zhangs, once he turn over a body and kept on jumping from the transom, and then rushed to go to another warehouse, this bottom, he didn't even enter warehouses and sparked one regiment oilcloth, from the transom threw into a hay heap, close behind again is next warehouse, the quarter wins at a stretch sparked four warehouses.
At this time, is already that the thick smoke is billowing, hides a sky to cover a day on the warehouses, in the thick smoke the light of fire is blunt sky of, almost all warehouses were ordered, bawled out a voice, irritating to the ear bell and rush of the clop is the soldier who rushes everywhere ……, quarter after, a group of dark shadows get together again from the all directions, the quarter wins eyes to order 1 time and connects his 21 people, and one is many.
Is public to drill a palisades, rush to go to the forest ……
"Quarter head, well big of fire!"
The small faced to come up and said with smile:"At present, pleased ways in Hebei can see."
"Road up says again, we walk!"
Is public to turn over a body top horse, "quarter head!"The small calls he, 〖 interest 〗 courageously tunnel:"Did we want to also burn together the food warehouse?"
The quarter wins to stop a horse and eyes her eyes way:"You have to remember, we patrol soldier of the first principle is to execute an order, the instruction of great commander soldier very clear, burn a hay database, even if there a person in the food warehouse have no, we can not burn, either, and this is the ferrous rules."
The small is a little bit silent to nod, she a little bit understood.
"Walk!Go to Tang Xing Xuan."
22 rides a soldier the Zong horse dash away, the quarter won to turn head to visit one eye warehouse, saw fire blunt sky of, the flame foot contains 3410 Zhangs and bears comparison with the explosion in last time, 100 the insides outside all can see, he smiled to smile, fierce take out a whip of war horse, fight acceleration horse, dash away toward south but go to.
The wildfire shot of the You state hay database is ground the dream of the whole Jian Guo Zi Yi's department of Li Huai Xian, thousand times in fear under, he all through the night leads a soldier to rush You state once, history's thinking doesn't dare to make track for the shot Guo Zi Yi's soldier as well clearly and stop a soldier not to deliver.
Guo Zi Yi's soldier also succeeds in escaping from here big difficult, he quickly restructures destrier and kills to go to pass in the soil door, Anne celebrated a clue soldier to just take down a stone Yi county and heard Li Huai Xian's pullout of troops at this time, the history thought to stop a soldier clearly not ex-, he doesn't dare the Gu soldier intercept Guo Zi Yi and also withdraw troops south to return.
The next afternoon, more than 60,000 persons of Guo Zi Yi's department withdrew pass in the soil door, at this time, orderanying of Li Qing An to, Guo Zi Yi know oneself Hebei again difficult have achievements, then stay 2,000 people to have charge of district a pass, the battalion withdraws river east.Soon, Li Gui Ren also receives Anne Lu mountain life he withdraws the news of Hebei, he all the way the Zong soldier burn to kill to plunder and sent back Hebei from the Lu state.
11 beginning of the months, blizzard assaulted the earth, snow and icebound in Hebei, the troops and horses was difficult line of, the war then temporarily quelled in this blizzard, but the dismay beginning of hay shortage spreads in the battalion at the Anne Lu mountain, more than 80,000 aged and weaks fight a horse at hungry cold in dying, Anne the Lu mountain is thousand times helpless, have to leave for steppe in person, to the Turkic, agree the Dan etc. department to ask for help hay!.
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